Monday, November 29, 2010

Decorating the Christmas Tree

This year we decided (for two reasons) to put up our Christmas tree a little earlier than we normally do. For one, we have a really busy December planned and so this was the best weekend for it; and two, we are really excited to start the holiday season with Evan and see the holidays through his eyes. On Saturday when we got home from RI, we immediately went to buy a tree. It was as cold as it has been all season so we were all bundled up to stay warm. Evan fell asleep in the car on the way there and slept through the choosing of the tree. But boy did he look cute doing so! We let the tree lay out for a day or two and decorated tonight. When the tree was bare, Evan wasn’t sure what to think and in fact I think he was a little scared of it. Once the lights were on, he warmed up to it a little bit and once the ornaments were on, he really liked it. Bruce and I have quite a few ornaments from our childhood (a tradition we are planning to start with Evan too) which is nice because he can play with many of the ornaments. Can’t wait to see what he thinks of the wrapped presents!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble, Gobble!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!! Boy, do we have a lot to be thankful for this year? Our precious little boy brings us more joy than we ever dreamed of. We had a very nice day which started out with what will become an annual family ritual – watching the Macy’s Day Parade. Evan napped through most of it but saw the beginning and woke up just in time to see Santa Claus. Due to the Patriots game, our turkey day dinner was a little later than usual which was good because we had a lot to get together. This also gave us plenty of time to video chat with Grandpa Bob, Omi, Auntie Kristina, Uncle Ty and Hannah who were all enjoying their holiday together in Montana. It was nice to “see” them even though we weren’t together.
We had dinner with the Dowding’s and Evan tried his first bit of turkey. A little while after dinner, we headed to the Kavanagh gathering. Evan only had a short afternoon nap and I joked with Bruce that we should say “Hello” and “Goodbye” at the same time because I didn’t think Evan would last too long. Much to our surprise, our little guy was a trooper!! We stayed and visited for a long time and he was an angel!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Fun with Cousins!

Today Evan and I spent the day at Gramma and Papa’s house with Danny and Sean. It was a really fun day for everyone!! We don’t often go to RI on Monday’s because Papa and Gramma are busy with the boys. After today, I think maybe we should go more often because it was great to see all the boys playing together, especially the little guys while Danny napped! Today was certainly one benefit from Papa not being able to lift the little ones due to his surgery last week! (Well and the fact that he feels much better now too!) Check out the videos (one, two, three) too.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Six Month Stats

The stats from Evan’s six (and almost a half) month doctor’s visit are in. Weight: 20 lbs, 12 oz (89th percentile); Height: 28.5 inches (94th percentile); Head Circumference (Home measured) 47 cm (99th percentile). The nurse at the pediatricians office said that Evan’s head circumference was 44 but it was 44.5 at his four month appointment so I rechecked this when we got home and found that 47 was the correct measurement. A big head means a big brain, right? We think so for sure with this (not so) little guy!

Happy (not so) little guy!

I Love My Daddy!

My daddy is fun!

And he makes me feel better when I don't feel so good!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Who Needs Toys…

…When you have an empty box of wipes, an egg carton, an avocado and a sippy cup?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Look at What’s New!

Last Saturday night, Evan had a tough time going to bed and staying asleep. He would fuss for a bit and then fall asleep only to wake up and repeat the process about 30-40 minutes later. We knew his teeth were close to coming in so we figured that must have been the problem. Sunday morning when he woke up he had a new tooth…just in time for his half-birthday! It was tough to see but you could certainly feel it. Then Monday, I realized that he had not one but two little teeth! I am still not sure if they both popped through together but there they are…cute, little, sharp…and tough to photograph!!
On Tuesday when we went to the grocery store, I bought Evan some Gerber Puffs, in honor of his new teeth. He is not quite sure what to think of the new flavor and texture. The faces he makes are priceless! After a little while I’m sure he will grow to love them just like his cousins do!

Monday, November 8, 2010

What a Difference Four Months Makes!

Today Mindy and Jayten came to visit and boy what a difference four months makes! The last time they were here was the end of June and the boys were not quite two months old. Now they are both about six months and much more fun and interactive. They had fun playing together and with Wally while Mindy and I had a good time catching up. If you want to see how much they have changed, check out A Big Boy in a Bumbo.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Six Months!!!

Six months ago today our lives were changed and will never be the same! Six months…how can six months have already passed since Evan was born and we became a family of three?? It is hard to imagine what life was like before Evan but I know what life is like now. It is full of wonderful smiles, an infectious giggle, and unconditional love. I had no idea that you could love someone so much and simply thrive on doing everything within your control to make them happy. We have had more fun in the last six months than I ever thought possible. Sure it hasn’t all been smiles and giggles, it is a lot of hard work too, but it is all worth it. Every minute!! Evan, Mommy and Daddy love you more than you will ever know. Thank you for being everything we ever dreamed of and more!! Can’t wait to see what the next six months brings!