Sunday, September 29, 2013


In the style of Jeff Foxworthy...if you attach your kid's sled to your tractor, you might be a redneck!

But your "kid" will have lots of fun and love you for it!

Evan's solo ride

Evan and Logan ride together

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Kavanagh Cousins Get Together

We haven't had as many cousins get togethers lately.  In fact the last Kavanagh cousins get together was almost one year ago.  Everyone is so busy and getting sitters is always tough so today we hosted a family one.  It was a beautiful day and so fun to have all the kids running around and playing together.  A bit different than the typical get together, especially the last one, but still a great day spent with wonderful people!  Thanks to all those who made the trek to Millbury!  Let's try to do this a bit more often, ok?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Pete & Christine's Wedding

Yesterday we celebrated the wedding of Pete and Christine in Wellfleet, MA.  It was a beautiful day for a wedding that took place at an amazing location.  It actually reminded me of our ceremony at Smith's Castle.  It was an intimate gathering with lots of non-typical wedding things - hoagies, cornhole, and s'mores just to name a few - and it was awesome!!  Christine thought of every detail to perfectly execute her garden theme.  The entire day was perfectly Pete and Christine!  We wish them a very happy marriage with years of love, happiness and good health to come!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dirt Pile

If you are a little boy, what's better than playing in a dirt pile??  Playing in a HUGE dirt pile!!  This will be motivation to do something with that space that we had cleared back in August.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Kidz Wurld

Back in June, Auntie Karin and I bought a Groupon for Kidz Wurld in North Attleboro figuring we would take the boys sometime for a fun day.  It didn't expire until October 3rd so we had plenty of time to use it.  Well that time (aka summer) flew by and now it's already the middle of September.  Well we went today minus Danny because he was at school and then went to lunch at Chelo's.  It was a fun place with lots to do for all ages, I just wish they would allow you to bring snacks and drinks instead of having to purchase them there and that the "extra" rides and games weren't so expensive .  The boys had a good time though so we might go back again some other time.  It was Logan's first time at a play place where he was actually playing and he was much more adventurous than Evan was at his first time.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Fall Fun with Friends

Today we spent the day with Leah and Caleb.  We hadn't seen Caleb since last July and I can't get over what a little man he has become.  He is such a sweet, smart and kind little boy.  He certainly takes after his momma!
It was a beautiful day so we spent as much time outside as possible.  The boys played soccer for a while in the yard, then we had lunch on the deck.  After lunch and Logan's nap, we headed to West End Creamery for an afternoon of fall fun and ice cream!  They have everything there for a complete day, ranging from mini golf and the barnyard jump to the corn maze to tractor rides and tire climbs.  What a fabulous late summer/early fall day spent with friends who we don't get to see nearly often enough!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Pirates, Ahoy!

Everyone knows that Evan loves pirates, especially Jake.  He has been sharing that love with Logan, who now dances anytime he sees anything Jake likely singing the TV theme song in his head.  Here Evan and Logan got a chance to set sail in their very own pirate ship complete with mast and sail, steering wheel, flag and anchor thanks to daddy.


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy birthday, Daddy!

Daddy's birthday was a two-day celebration this year...well sort of.  On Daddy's actually birthday, the boys and I went to Papa & Gramma's to enjoy one last pool day for the year while Daddy worked at home.  He did get to enjoy a juicy, delicious Washington peach that Omi sent with his lunch.  Then for dinner we went to Eighty-Ates.  We had never been there before but enjoyed our meal relatively well and would likely go back sometime.  Today, Evan and I made Daddy's birthday pie and we had a little celebration after dinner.  So it was a two-day celebration but a very low key one.  Happy birthday, Daddy!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Woolie World

A couple of weeks ago while at the playground at Auburn High School, I got to talking with a woman who was asking about other playgrounds that we visit.  She asked if we had been to Woolie World.  I didn't think we had but then after talking with her more, I realized that it was the playground that we walk to in Millbury.  She said they had redone it, painted it and added on so we decided to check it out again (we hadn't been there since this spring).  We went last week and were so impressed that we decided to meet Isabelle and TJ there again today for a play date and picnic lunch.  The big kids had so much fun playing with the rubber mulch and going down the twisty slide over and over again.  Nice to take advantage of Jenna's extended maternity leave while we can!

(The first seven pictures are from when we went alone.  The remaining are from when we met the Stanley's.)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Daddy Goes Camping

Daddy went camping again this weekend with the guys so I had a nice weekend with my little guys.  We had some ups and downs on Friday but did manage to make it out for dinner.  Saturday we went to see Papa and Gramma, spent the night and then went to Uncle Alan and Aunt Kim's for some of the Pats game on Sunday.  It was a relatively quiet weekend but still nice!

These boots were made for walkin'

When we arrived home today there was a package on the stairs.  I hadn't ordered anything and neither had Bruce.  When I opened it I saw that Omi had.  Omi sent Evan two nice pairs of boots...fireman rain boots and nice warm snow boots.  Evan was thrilled and needed to try them on right away!  He was even so excited about the fireman rain boots that he wants to be a firefighter for Halloween again this year.  Fine by me...we already have the costume!!  Thanks, Omi!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Can I have a mulligan?

Daddy was camping with the guys and Uncle Dan and Papa were at Pete's bachelor party so Auntie Karin and I thought it would be fun to get the boys together for some mini golf and then meet Gramma and Grammy for dinner at the 99.  Fun, huh?  Well that all depends on your definition of fun.  We had one player who was taking the game quite seriously and getting upset that the other two weren't.  We had one player who always got a hole in one...I guess that happens when you start your ball only inches away from the hole.  We had one player who was quite distracted and spacey who was quite hard to keep on task.  And we had one player who wanted to walk the course instead of ride.  I'll let you figure out who was who.  Dinner at 99 was...interesting!  Nothing really bad just 4 tired boys, 2 stressed mommys and 1 Gramma and 1 Grammy who probably would have had a more enjoyable dinner if they just went out together.  Oh well, it's all about making memories, right?  Well, it certainly was a memorable night!  Next time I say the dads and Papa stay home and the moms, Gramma and Grammy go away!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Logan's First Tractor Ride

Evan has always loved to ride on the tractor with Daddy while he mows the lawn and until recently he hasn't had any real competition.  In the spring, Logan was content to sit with me and watch Daddy and Evan ride the tractor.  Then sometime mid-summer, Logan became more and more interested in the tractor...pointing, talking and squawking at it.  Today he got his first ride.  He was a little nervous at first and was holding on for dear life but by the end he really liked it.  Next year I think we might need a "ride with daddy mowing schedule"!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Here We Grow!

Today was Evan's first day of preschool at Here We Grow in Auburn.  As a mom who has been home with her little guy since the day he was born, this was a big day for us!  It was the first time that we would be taking Evan somewhere and leaving him there for a few hours when he wasn't with friends or family or our trusted babysitter.  I have known this day was coming since the spring when we decided which preschool to send him too and I experienced just about every emotion possible today.  Happy, sad, anxious, excited, name it, I felt it all.  Would the other kids play with Evan...would he play with them?  Would they be nice to him...would he freak out if something didn't quite go his way?  Would he like it...would he learn a lot?  Would he remember to use his manners...would he have an accident?  I could go on and on.
We have been talking about him going to school in the recent weeks, trying to explain a little bit of what he could expect.  He would go from being excited about it to nervous to anxious.  I guess he was feeling all of the same things as I was.
Today, after I shed a few tears last night, we woke up, got dressed, had breakfast and headed out the door.  We took a few minutes for some photos at home and then we were off.  I was doing ok, a bit stressed but ok, until I started the car.  Then the water works started. I tried hard not to let Evan know I was crying, I didn't want him to be upset.  He was quite all the way there in the car and thankfully I was able to pull it together.  We went in the building, washed hands as is the procedure at HWG, and got in line to head into his classroom.  Evan got started at the play-doh table just inside the door and was doing ok.  I on the other hand was fighting back tears the entire time (as I am doing now...and I am posting this 4 weeks later)!  I kissed him on the top of the head and basically ran out of the room.  I didn't want him to see me crying and I didn't want to be THAT mom.  Thankfully Bruce was with us so he said goodbye to Evan and drove home so I didn't have to try and see through the tears.  Deep down I knew he would be fine and I knew that with time he would come to love preschool but he is still my baby and is growing up way too fast!  I went back to pick Evan up two and a half hours later and he had had a great day!  Let's hope that this is the start of a very successful school career for our little man!

(As I mentioned, I am posting this late and Evan has already completed 4 weeks of school.  The second day drop-off was much harder on both of us because Evan was crying and he didn't want me to leave.  There were a couple of other days when he was reluctant to go but not too bad and one day in particular that just broke my heart.  He had been saying all morning that he didn't want to go to school, he didn't want me to start the car or park the car, etc.  I knew it was going to be tough.  He pulled it together for the most part but then when I went to leave and looked back at him, he was standing in the middle of the room, crying, sad and needing a hug.  It took everything I had not to pick him up and take him home.  That was week 2 or 3.  Last week there were no issues and on Thursday when we pulled in to the parking lot, Evan shouted "School!"  He is beginning to really like it and even sits with the other kids a circle time, which he didn't do for the first 3 days.)

Monday, September 2, 2013

Bye, Bye Summer

How is it possible that it is already Labor Day?  Didn't I just post about our Memorial Day cookout at Uncle Dan and Auntie Karin's house?   Well, I'm sad to say but another summer has mostly come and gone.  We had a good one but I am always sad to see it end as the days get shorter and cooler.  Unfortunately, we couldn't even squeeze in one more pool day at Papa and Gramma's today...the weather didn't cooperate.  We still had a great day and the boys played quite nicely together.