Friday, May 31, 2013

Favorite Things

After Evan woke up from his nap today we went outside to enjoy some more of the early summer weather we have been experiencing the last two days.  I asked Evan what he wanted to do outside...ride his bike, blow bubbles, color with chalk...He didn't answer me, he just kept looking around.  Once he saw Daddy come around the corner on his tractor he looked at me and said "I found what I wanted to do! Ride with Daddy!"  So sweet!  I love the way Evan sits with his arms rested on Daddy's legs.  I love that they both have a sort of crooked smile...crooked on the same side!

First Pool Days

After the weather of the last couple of days it is hard to believe that less than one week ago we were all "freezing"!  Summer has arrived!!  And is hopefully here to stay!!  We have been enjoying keeping cool by playing in the water table, the little pool and the "big" pool.  On Thursday, Logan wasn't sure what to think of the kiddie was so chilly!  But after sitting beside it for a bit, he was eager to climb in.  When he scooched himself over to the water table Evan said, "I'll get my McQueen chair so that Logan can enjoy the water table".  What a sweet big brother!  But today, Logan was ready to "jump" right in...I'm sure it helped that the pool was set up on an incline and there was only about two inches of water where Logan was sitting.  Evan had so much fun getting in and out, splashing, "swimming" and jumping!

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Who made all this mess, you ask

It was me!

Am I in trouble?

Well in that was Evan!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rest Easy

Sunday we went to Cardi's so Mommy and Daddy could buy a new mattress.  Theirs was 12 years old and it was well past time for a new one.  The new memory foam one was delivered today and the two little monkeys approve!  Let's hope this helps Mommy sleep a bit better!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Last year we planted two strawberry plants in the yard.  It was past season when we planted them and we weren't quite sure how they would do but they are flourishing!  The plants themselves are growing like crazy and there are a TON of berries setting on too.  Today we picked our first ones!  Delicious!!

Here it is!  Our first strawberry!

Sharing a bite with Logan

Enjoying a juicy bite before getting back on his bike

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Cookout

After a weekend filled with rainy, cool weather, today, Memorial Day, was beautiful!  Auntie Karin and Uncle Dan were supposed to have a cookout yesterday but postponed it until today due to the weather.  Evan and Logan spent a decent amount of the day inside where it was a bit quieter and cooler but we still had a fun day with our cousins and friends and even a little impromptu photo shoot!

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Is today a Gymboree music day?  No but it certainly looks like it thanks to Omi!  On Tuesday when we came home from the doctor's office there was a package waiting for us.  The package was filled with percussion instruments similar to those that we use at music class.  A wave drum, rhythm sticks, bells, maracas, wood blocks, a rain much fun!  This is especially great seeing as music class will be ending in just a few weeks.  Now we can have music class at home when ever we want to!  Thanks, Omi!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sleeping Angels

There is something so sweet about a sleeping baby and even a sleeping three-year-old.  Lately I have been taking quite a few photos of the boys as they sleep.  It started in Florida and has continued at home.  I'm not sure what it is but they are just so peaceful...and quiet...but mostly peaceful quiet!  They are sweet though, aren't they?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Brave Boys

I took the boys to the pediatrician today.  Evan for his 3-year check-up and Logan for his 9-month.  Both boys passed with flying colors and as always impressed Dr. Gonroff.  She was asking Evan all sorts of questions about shapes, letters and numbers.  He answered each one perfectly.  She also asked him to run, hop, jump, sing and touch his toes.  He was again a super star!  Dr. Gonroff was also impressed with Logan and how he is growing, developing and learning.  Their check-ups were great!  Both boys needed to have a finger prick for a lead test and Evan needed a Hep A vaccine.  The nurse came in and did what she needed to do and neither Evan nor Logan made a peep!  They were both so brave!  It was a "proud momma" moment for sure!

Evan's 3 year stats: Height - 38.25 inches (90th percentile), Weight - 31 lbs (63rd percentile)
Logan's 9 month stats: Height - 29.5 inches (81st percentile), Weight - 22 lbs 10 oz (76th percentile), Head Circumference - 48 cm (97th percentile)

Evan was exactly the same height at 9 months, weighed 4 oz more and had a HC of 47.5 cm.  The boys are still matching up almost identically.  Can't wait to see what happens when Logan starts moving!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

RI Great Outdoors Pursuit

For the past couple of years, Uncle Dan, Auntie Karin, Danny and Sean have participated in the Great Outdoors Pursuit in RI.  It sounded like something that would be fun for Evan and so today we decided to join them and check it out.  We didn't have anything else going on and it was a nice day to spend outside at Lincoln Park.  The actual event wasn't quite what I expected and was quite crowded but we still enjoyed ourselves.  I don't know that we will attend all events this summer but we might check out another one or two if we can.  It is always fun to do something a little different and Evan had fun.  After the event, we met Gramma, Papa & Grammy for lunch.  It was the first time all 11 of us had been together since Christmas!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

April Showers?? May Flowers!!

The weather over the last month has been great!  Allowing us to get outside and enjoy quite often.  We have been having so much fun doing all sorts of things.  You can see that some days are warmer than others but the sun has been shining and the smiles have been ear to ear!  Let's hope this is a sign of what's to come this summer!

Logan takes after Uncle Dan and is not quite sure what to think of the grass

Evan is making up his own song "To The Beast" and marching around the yard

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rough Start, Great Ending!

What started out as a very rough day, ended up being quite the opposite - a delightful spring day with my boys (at least up until the time that I am writing this post - nap time).  I came home from boot camp this morning at 6:30 and the first thing I heard was Evan arguing with/yelling at Daddy for some reason.  My immediate thought, after the last couple that we have had, was "Oh great, another day like this."  We got Evan settled into his morning routine...TV, milk and "snacks" (cereal in a snack container)...and everything was fine...for about 30 minutes.  Logan woke up, I plopped him in our bed next to Evan and went to get him a bottle and more milk for Evan.  Fed Logan and went back to drying my hair.  It was at that point that I heard Evan say "No, Logan" immediately followed by Logan crying.  When I asked Evan what had happened, his response was "I punched him".  I wasn't in the room so I have no idea how hard but that isn't the point.  Evan needs to learn that his recent behavior of hitting Logan and pushing him over is not acceptable.  Needless to say, the TV was immediately turned off and Evan was off to his room for a time-out.  He kept coming back out of his room, screaming and crying which resulted in him losing his Legos and his box of blocks.  And this was all before 7:30!
He finally got it together, calmed down, we chatted about his poor behavior and the rest of the day has been smooth sailing!  We had a good breakfast, went to music class, had a great lunch, painted and played outside until nap time.  There was no a minimal amount of fussing, no major meltdowns and no arguing.  I am so thankful that he turned it around so that we could enjoy this beautiful spring day!  Let's hope the afternoon behavior and not the morning behavior continues!

The mowing part of the video is ok but the end is the best part

Logan's first Popsicle

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Lived In

Everyday by nap time...who am I kidding, by 10 AM...our house has been looking quite "lived in". AKA it looks as if a tornado came through and turned everything in every room upside down!  I try to maintain some sense of order to things but it has been becoming increasing more and more difficult.  This worries me a bit for two reasons.  1. We have been spending a lot of time outside so how is it that the inside is such a mess? 2. Logan isn't really even contributing much to the mess making yet.  Oh boy, what do we have in store for us??

This is what the living room looked like when I put the boys down for naps today.  Lots of little pieces...everywhere!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Treasure Hunting

When Evan decided a few months ago that he would like to have a Jake and the Neverland Pirates themed birthday party, I thought "Sure, sounds great!"  A bit of time passed and then I said to Bruce "How crazy would you think I am if I wanted to do a treasure hunt for Evan's party?" He said "I was thinking the same thing."  Great!  So a treasure hunt it was going to be.  All the kids had their own treasure box and they hunted around the yard for their "buried" treasure.  Thankfully the weather held out long enough to be able to do it and still have cake outside.  It wasn't a perfect day but the kids all had a great time!  Happy 3rd birthday, my little matey!

Get Out Your Map

Hunting, Hunting...

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Need a Laugh?

This ought'a do it!

Evan (at 8 months) was pretty fond of the salamander too

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday, Evan!

Dear Evan,
Today you turned three!  We celebrated you and the wonderful blessing that you have been to our family by doing a few of your favorite things - playing and riding your new balance bike (especially with Daddy, who took the day off), spending lots of time outside (it was a beautiful day), opening presents (what 3 year old doesn't love presents?), and going out for ice cream (yours had M&M's and sprinkles!)

You are growing and changing so much each day.  Your vocabulary is amazing!  You use words correctly after only hearing them once or twice.  You ask insightful questions about new situations and truly pay attention to the answers.  You are always seeking more knowledge.  You have the ability to understand numbers and simple math that most three year-olds do not have.  Your imagination is wonderful and always dreaming up new adventures and activities.  You have a love of life that is contagious!

You are an amazing big brother and always include Logan in all that you do and say, even if it is only to say that Logan can do something "when he gets bigger." Logan looks up to you in a way that you do not fully understand but he is learning from one amazing teacher and is lucky to have such a wonderful brother and friend in you.

You still love your Curious George and even though you don't bring him everywhere with you, he is always there when you need him, especially if you are sick, tired, hurt or upset.  You have begun to care for him in a very nurturing way, the way a mother would tend to a baby.  Maybe this is from watching how Dad and I care for Logan, maybe it is just developmentally "time" but either way, it is sweet.  You have a special voice that you use when you talk to "baby George" that is quite, calming and caring.

You are growing up too quickly for my liking and yet I am also so excited to see what the future holds for you.  You will be starting pre-school in the fall, just 4 months from now!  I know that you are ready and that you will learn so many things.  You already know quite a few of your letters and numbers and I know that you will love school!  I look forward to hearing all about your day.

You love to play outside, to run, to jump, to be be a boy!  You have been potty trained for about 10 days and you have done so well.  I am so proud of you in so many ways.  The way you care for others and share things, the way you learn so many things quickly and are determined when you need to be, the way you love life to the fullest extent and enjoy our time together as a family.

You have brought more joy to our life than you will ever realize.  This last year has been an amazing one full of fun, challenges, laughter, tears, smiles, frustration...all things that are helping you to grow and become the young boy you are becoming.  My hope for you on your third birthday is that you never loose that quest for knowledge, your love of life, your ability to make your own fun, and your love for those who love you more than you know.  Happy third birthday, Evan!

I love you, always!

Three Year Old Noodle!

When I was three I told my parents that I had a "three year old noodle (brain)" and "helping hands"...I guess that was my way of telling them that I was a big girl who could do things on my own.  Evan has been saying things like "I think I'm ready for that (insert big boy toy/activity/anything here) now" and "I think I'm a bigger boy now".  I guess this is his way of telling us that he is getting big and doesn't need our help as much anymore.  This is true in many ways but also not in many ways (Thankfully!  If he didn't need me anymore by the age of three, I'd be crushed!).  We have watched him grow and change so quickly in the last few months and weeks.  It has been quite amazing!  He really is a "bigger boy" now who is gaining more and more independence with each new day that passes.  I love seeing each new stage and know that he won't be little forever.  I try to cherish our time together and am so glad that he still likes to snuggle and watch TV or read with me...I hope that never ends!  Happy birthday, pal!

Just getting used to his balance bike.  He'll be truly gliding in no time!

Evan certainly has the "rocker moves" down

I love the song in the middle of this one

Nine Months!

Dear Logan,
You are 9 months old today!  You are sharing this big day with your brother who turned 3 today!  It seems like just yesterday that we were meeting you both for the first time and now so much time has passed.  You are already such great friends and I cannot wait to continue watching that special bond grow.  My hope for you both is that you will always remember who your very first best friend was and that you remain close throughout your entire lives.

You are not crawling quite yet but you are schooching more and more everyday.  I bet you will be just like Evan and crawl just before you turn 10 months old.  Your top two teeth are slowly coming in but you don't have any more on the bottom quite yet.  You are always smiley and flirty and have the cutest little side bend/ head twist when you are really turning on the charm.  You switch from rolling over like a champ to forgetting how and just kicking and screaming everyday.  It is hard to believe that you will be one in just three months!
I love you, little one!
Love, Momma.