Monday, December 31, 2012

Snow Wolf Den

Recently in the mail we received a picture of Auntie Kristina and Hannah inside a wolf den, howling like and calling the wolves.  While Evan and Daddy were playing in the snow today, they did the snowy version.  After playing in the snow for almost two hours, it was time for Evan's first mug of hot chocolate in the Santa mug that I used to drink hot chocolate from after I played in the snow as a kid.  Evan wasn't a big fan of the hot chocolate but he sure liked the Santa mug and I'm sure he will grow to love the hot chocolate soon!  What a great way to end a fabulous year!

I love the grunting on this one...and the "Ta-Da" too!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Holiday Happenings

It has been a busy week with lots of trip back and forth to RI but we have had lots of good reasons to make the drive.  Some of mommy's good friends were home for the holidays...Patience from Switzerland, Ben from Thailand and Leah from NYC (she didn't have to travel quite as far as Patience and Ben!).  We also had a mini Dowding cousins get together and a sleepover with Danny and Sean followed by some snow fun and sledding at Papa & Gramma's.  Always great to see old friends and family that we don't see as often as we'd like.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Reflecting on 2012

As 2012 comes to a close, you might ask if it was a good year.  I think so.  We had a wonderful year, filled with amazing experiences and milestones.  In case you missed any of it or want to go back and relive some of it, here are the highlights.
We started 2012 with a surprise trip to Florida to celebrate Gramma's 60th birthday in January. We celebrated a few more special birthdays and enjoyed lots of cousin time in February.      Evan met Curious George, we enjoyed an early start to spring, had lots of fun at Danny and Sean's bowling birthday party and enjoyed another great trip to Fort Myers, including Evan's first trip to Fort Myers Beach. April was filled with a lot of silliness and starting to get ready for our new little guy and moving Evan into a big boy room with big boy furniture.  In May, we celebrated Evan's 2nd birthday, had a wonderful visit with Omi and Grandpa, and took Evan to Uncle Bob's cabin for the first time.  June and July were filled with summer fun including a week with Danny and Sean, lots of pool time so that pregnant mommy could try to beat the heat, and enjoying our last moments as a family of three.  In August, we welcomed Logan into this world and our family! In September, we had another nice visit with Omi and Grandpa so that they could meet Logan, celebrated Daddy's birthday with a trip to Fenway park and celebrated Papa & Gramma's 40th anniversary.  By October, it was clear that Evan was going to be a great big brother.  We also had a (semi) surprise party for Papa and Gramma and had a fun Halloween.  November was full of projects, Logan's first Thanksgiving and getting ready for Christmas.  December reminded us what is really important in life and about being thankful for wonderful family and friends during the holidays.
Seems like a pretty good year to me.  And those are just the highlights!  There are so many wonderful memories that we shared with all of the amazing people in our lives.  We are so thankful to have each of you and are glad to be able to share a little piece of our life with you, our loyal readers!  Thank you for reading and stay tuned for more adventures of our little (getting big too quickly!) guys!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Christmas was, as it always is, busy and full of good food, great company and lots of spoiling!  We always try not to get too crazy but without fail it always happens.  I think the best sign of this was about halfway through gift opening on Christmas Day when Sean said "No, I'm good" when we told him it was his turn to open a gift next.  Shortly there after Evan, Sean and Daddy/Uncle Bruce were watching Curious George on the droid.
We did Christmas in three parts this year...Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and the day after.  We couldn't fit everything in with our schedule of trips back and forth to RI but it was actually nice to have a low key day on Wednesday to leisurely open the rest of our gifts.  I think it's safe to say that we thoroughly enjoyed Logan's first and Evan's third Christmas!
Before Christmas, Evan was really excited about a Batman costume and a Batman car.  Santa brought a Batman costume and a small Batman car but the big hit so far seems to be the trumpet.  Evan's response to the small Batman car was "Um, I think Santa forgot to bring me a big Batman car.  Silly Santa!"  Guess Santa will need to do better next year!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Cookies

We have significantly scaled back our Christmas cookie operation.  So much so that Bruce and Evan were making the sugar cookies on Christmas Eve, as if there weren't enough things going on already! (which will hopefully never happen again!)  We still found time to make a few different varieties and had a very good helper along the way.  I know everyone understands the reason for the scaling back but I also know that everyone looks forward to and enjoys the cookies so it's nice to be able to do a few kinds, especially with such a cute helper!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Presents from the Mariner's

Around 5 o'clock tonight, after a very lazy day, the phone rang.  It was Micaela, our babysitter's, mom.  Micaela was heading out to do some shopping and was going to swing by with a few gifts for us and the boys.  How nice!  Micaela started babysitting for us this fall and Evan loves her.  She does projects with Evan and reads If I Ran the Circus, one of the worst and hardest to read Dr. Seuss books, in my opinion.  Thanks for thinking of us, Micaela and Marcia!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Santa Comes to Millbury

Santa came to Millbury tonight.  He rode by on the fire truck like he does every year, making sure that he knows where all the good little boys and girls live.  We ran outside in the cold so that we could see him, wave and make sure he knew where our two good little boys live.  Based on the quality of the photos I think next year, I'll let Bruce hold Logan and Evan so that I can take pictures while not holding a baby and trying not to fall off the front steps.  Oh well, a fun tradition anyway!

There he is

Hi, Santa!

 Riding off into the night

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Involuntary Baby Smiles

I am a sucker for involuntary baby smiles.  You know the kind that occur when the baby is falling asleep while drinking the last bottle of the night and the milk runs down the sides of their cheeks?  Yeah, those...I just love them!  Logan smiles ALL.THE.TIME but there is still something so special and sweet about those involuntary baby smiles.  They made my already close to perfect day just that much better!

I couldn't capture the involuntary ones on camera so you'll have to settle for these...still pretty adorable if you ask me!

Too cute, just like his PJ's say

Monday, December 17, 2012

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hug a Little Tighter, Hold a Little Longer

In light of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on Friday, I found myself hugging my boys a little tighter and holding on to them a little longer than usual this weekend.

We had started potty training, or at least attempting to, and while it wasn't going completely smoothly, it wasn't too bad least on Friday.  Saturday morning was a bit rougher and by lunchtime Evan was back in a diaper.  At first I felt like we had given up too soon and that I was being too impatient but then I remembered what was really important.  I told Bruce that I would change Evan's diapers until he was 37 as long as it meant that he was still my "baby boy".

Then unexpectedly, Saturday night both boys woke up in the middle of the night.  Evan at 2:30 because he couldn't find Lady Bug (his mini pillow pet) and Logan around 3, just as I was starting to drift back to sleep. When I went back to bed around 4 AM, I couldn't help but think of all the parents whose children were victims of the school shooting and how I bet they wish that they were waking up to "Mommy, I can't find lady bug" and hungry baby cries in the middle of the night.

I always try to be patient and understanding with the boys and to cherish the moments we have together but I know that I will count our blessings even more carefully now.  Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift - that's why it's called the present.  Cherish it!

No More Wogan

Well I knew it was only a matter of time...Wogan is now Logan.  Last weekend while Evan and Logan were at Auntie Karin and Uncle Dan's house for the weekend, Danny was helping to teach Evan how to say his L's.  A few months ago, Bruce was working with Evan to try and get him to say Logan instead of Wogan.  My feeling was that it would happen soon enough and I was enjoying it's cuteness while it lasted.  Well it has happened...see (and hear) for yourself.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Teenager in the making

Every so often I get a glimpse into the future...

I wonder if George and a cup of milk will still be by his side when he is a teenager...Oh to preserve his innocence!  

Tickley Boy

Logan is proving to be just as ticklish as his big brother, which is so much fun for Mommy (and Auntie Karin, who also loves to tickle!)!  Bookmark this post so that you can come back for a giggle fix anytime you are having a bad day or need to smile.


With Logan getting so big and quickly outgrowing, or should I say sagging down, the bouncy seats, it was time to get out the exersaucer.  Logan had lots of fun checking everything out and was able to relatively easily move himself around to see all there was to see.  Evan also enjoyed rediscovering his old "stomping grounds" again so much so that I had to go back and see what Evan's first exersaucing experience was like.  Check it out here.

Friday, December 14, 2012


When you are stuck inside in the winter with an infant and an energetic two year old, you need to get creative with ways to spend the day.  Evan has become quite fond of forts...big forts, small forts, forts for just Evan and forts for everyone.  So much so that we might need to purchase one of these.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Logan's Four Month Stats

Here are the big man's stats: 18 lbs, 11 oz (96th percentile); 27.5 inches (98th percentile) and 44 cm 87th percentile.

At Evan's 4 month appointment (which was really like a 4.5 month on the 22nd) he was 18 lbs, 9 oz; 27.5 inches and 44.5 cm. So they are measuring up quite nicely but Logan seems so much bigger for some reason! He is doing well and loving his cereal. We will probably start orange veggies and fruits soon too...once he gets the hang of eating off the spoon a bit better. He's a happy guy!

Logan's first taste of banana in the baby safe feeder

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

Two photo shoots, three outfit changes, numerous backdrop and prop changes and there are only a few winning photos.  I suppose it will make choosing photos for the Christmas card a little easier.  After all, you only need one winning photo, right?  Good thing!  Here is a sampling of the "best of" our photo shoot.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Logan's First Cereal

Over the weekend while we were at Mohegan Sun seeing The Dave Matthews Band, Logan was having his first meal.  Auntie Karin gave him his true first cereal (well with a spoon anyway) on Saturday night but this was his first cereal with us.

Evan Gems

Every day Evan says things that are funny and memorable.  The problem is that often by the end of the day I forget what those things are.  Here are a few of his most recent gems.

While trying to give him a kiss after changing his diaper - "No kisses, Mommy.  When you're pretty you do give me kisses but when you're stinky you don't." "And I'm stinky now?" "Yup." "Why am I stinky?" "You're stinky from your bed.  But when you have your pretty dress on, you do give me kisses."

While Bruce was away for the weekend, Evan helped me wrap Christmas presents.  I made the mistake of saying "And we wrapped presents for Daddy."  Evan's response was "But where is the suitcase, mommy."  I tried to play it off like he was talking about the red suitcase in the closet upstairs to which he replied, "No mommy, the green one."

While on the toilet...Obviously!  "Here comes more poop...look out!"

Never a dull moment in our house!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Flowers for Gramma

Gramma has been sick since Thanksgiving.  She is starting to feel better and I think we have just the thing to make her feel even better and bring a smile to her face.  We will bring them to her this weekend.

When Evan gave the flowers to Gramma, he handed them to her and quickly walked away.  When she called him back to talk to her for a minute, he said "I thought you would say thank you but you didn't."  He walked away so quickly, she didn't even have the chance...what a turkey!

Four Months Old

I have to be honest...this month I missed the monthly photo shoot.  Today was a PJ day and a Thanksgiving PJ day at that.  Thankfully I did get a few really cute pictures and videos yesterday.  We go on Tuesday to Logan's 4 month well visit...can't wait to see how much he has grown in the last two months.  As you can see in the videos, Logan never stops moving and is always making noise...often squealing...the voice he found on Thanksgiving night.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Buddha Baby

No explanation needed...the title says it all!

We have a...

 Buddha Baby on our hands!

And I LOVE him!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Miscellaneous November

November had some warm days, some cold days and some days in between.  We tried to get out and enjoy as much as we could in addition to doing a few new indoor activities too.

Rollin', Rollin' Rollin'

Tonight, while Daddy was away, Logan started rolling from his belly to his back.  He has been doing better and better with holding his head up during tummy time and tonight he figured out how to flip over.  As you can see, he was so quick that I had a hard time capturing it on video.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Little Buddy

Logan still isn't doing too much least not when you compare him to his big brother who NEVER. STOPS. RUNNING! But he does make some awfully cute faces, give great smiles and is a very happy, easy-going little guy who deserves a few blog posts all his own.  Here's one for you, little buddy!  Thanks for brightening every one of momma's days!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Beginning to look at lot like Christmas

It's that time of year again...the holidays are here!  Thanksgiving was early but we decided to get a tree and start decorating this weekend anyway.  The beginning of December is busy for us with a bachelor party, Bruce traveling, and then a weekend away at Mohegan for Mommy and Daddy.  For our tree this year, we decided to cut it fresh from a local tree farm in hopes that it would last a bit longer than normal and not lose so many needles.  It was a chilly day but we found a tree before we were too cold.  I think this may be a new tradition for the Skarin's.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Two Little Turkeys

Everyday I live with two little was a day celebrating them...well sort of.  We started the day with pumpkin bread watching the Macy's Day Parade.  Evan was pretty excited to see some of his favorite characters and was especially excited to see Santa.  We then began the annual RI tour starting at Uncle Bob & Aunt Chris's for dinner and then heading to Uncle Rick & Aunt Donna's for dessert (where I guess we had our hands too full to take pictures).  It was a long, busy day but it is always nice to see everyone.  Once we were back at Papa & Gramma's and watching the Pats game, Logan discovered his voice.  (Videos to come at a later date.)

Monday, November 19, 2012

I was thinking about doing a little project...

If I had a dollar for every time Evan uttered those words over the last few weeks, I'd be a rich woman.  Instead, I have lots of construction paper projects hanging on my fridge.  I guess I am rich with the memories we are making.  (As you will see, there is an obvious reason why Mommy was a math teacher and not an art teacher before she was a mommy.)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Since Logan was born, and even shortly before, Bruce and I have been talking about getting Evan involved in some sort of class or toddler program.  We get together with friends and cousins as often as schedules allow but a bit more socialization never hurts.  We also felt it would be good for him to improve his listening skills in needing to follow directions from someone other than us.
After scoping out some options, we decided to check out classes at Gymboree.  Today we attended a music class and a play & learn class.  Evan loved the music class and was singing, dancing and clapping the entire time.  He was a bit more cautious in the play & learn class and mostly just explored on his own instead of joining in the activities with the rest of the kids, at least until the end of the class.
Seeing as he is always singing and dancing at home, I think we will register for the music class and take advantage of the open play time so that he can get familiar with the play space before committing to a play & learn class.  This will be a good way to get him some physical activity as the weather gets colder and snowier.  I'm looking forward to watching him grow and learn.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Big Boys in the Bathtub

I am looking forward to the day when we can just put both boys in the tub to take a bath together.  No more of Evan in the big tub and Logan in his little tub on the bathroom floor or having to do them one at a time.  I feel like we waste so much water!  Today, I decided to experiment.  I put Logan's little tub in the big tub with Evan.  It doesn't leave tons of room for Evan but it worked out ok. Based on the looks on the boys faces, I'm not sure if this is a short term solution or not though.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Patriots Party

We love having parties and hosting get togethers.  We used to get stressed about it and argue a little while trying to get ready but now we seem to have a good system worked out and we can put together a party for 30 people with relatively little effort.  Most of the parties we host are during the summer when people can be outside.  Our house is a decent size but not huge and not very open...making indoor parties more of a challenge.
Today we had a small Patriots party.  We invited Uncle Dan, Auntie Karin, Danny & Sean, Gramma & Papa and Grammy.  What we thought was going to be a party for 11 turned into a party for 8.  Sean was sick so Auntie Karin stayed home with him and Uncle Dan went to the game.  Danny still came with Gramma, Papa and Grammy which was great because Evan was really excited to see his cousins.  Logan had lots of smiles and stories for everyone.  We had a nice afternoon and watched the Pats beat the Bills.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Sleeping Angels

Every night before I go to bed, I peek in on the boys.  I check to see that they are covered up and warm enough, give them another good night kiss and tell them that I love them.  Despite what may have happened during the day and what struggles we might have encountered, at night they are my sleeping angels!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Perfect Snow Day

In my opinion, today was the perfect snow day.  The sun was shining brightly and felt warm.  There was enough snow to play in but not so much that you were up to your knees when walking through it.  It was warm enough to stay outside for a while making putting on all of the snow gear worth the time and effort.  We built a small snowman, a snow castle, made snow angels and had a snowball fight!  Logan even came out to join us for a few minutes.  The snow was melting as we played so it was a little wet for Evan's little knit gloves but all in all, it was a great day to play in the seasons first snowfall!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Three Months Old

Logan, today you are three months old!  You are smiley, giggly, nosey, chatty, fidgety, wiggly and drooly.  You weigh 16 pounds, 13 ounces and are wearing 6 month clothes and size two (soon to be size three) diapers.  You have lived through some hot, humid, end of summer weather as well as tropical storm/hurricane Sandy (which was really pretty uneventful in Millbury) and as I type this we are getting our first snowfall of the season.  Yesterday, you came with me while I went to vote and Barack Obama was elected for a second term as the 44th president of the United States of America.  A lot has happened in your little lifetime.
More importantly, you are a thriving, growing, learning little man.  You are still eating about 30 ounces per day and are more consistently sleeping through the night for longer and longer stretches of time.  You rarely wake up in the middle of the night anymore but you often do like to say "good morning" between 5 and 6.  Although the last two nights you have slept for almost 12 hours with the exception of one 9 or 10 pm feeding for which you barely woke up. If your big brother is in the room, you watch him where ever he goes, running, playing, talking and singing.  You love to suck on your fingers and thumb, especially when you are hungry or tired.  You give the best smiles and have this sweet, bashful little look that often follows your smiles.
I am excited to see what the next three months (and beyond) brings and to see what your little personality will be like.  Will you be silly and entertaining like Evan or more laid back like Sean?  Will you play by the rules like Danny or be an independent adventurer like Hannah?  Will you continue to be built like a Kavanagh or become long and lean like Daddy?  Only time will tell.  For now, just keep growing, smiling, learning, eating and sleeping like you do and I know you will do amazing things!  I love you, little one.  Love, mom.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Quiet Weekend

Sometimes it is nice to just have a quiet family weekend at home.  This weekend was just that for us.  

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Halloween this year was a four day long celebration.  It started on Sunday at Gramma & Papa's.  We all got together to watch the Patriots game and to talk about the anniversary party from Saturday night.  While we were there, Gramma gave Halloween bags to the three older boys (Logan is still a bit too little for candy).  They had lots of fun digging through their bags and finding all of their goodies.  They especially loved the fangs!
Then on Tuesday, I brought the boys to RI for some family trick-or-treating.  We stopped at Uncle Glenn and Aunt Chris's first but no one was home so we headed to Bumpa's house.  We visited with him for a while while Logan had a bottle and Evan entertained us all.  Our next stop was Uncle Rick's and Aunt Donna's.  We stayed there for a while before everyone started getting tired and heading to Gramma & Papa's so that the fire chief could take a nap.  We stayed for dinner at Governor's and everyone got a kick out of seeing the fire chief and his little monster.
Today, we did the same thing we did last year...story time at the library, trick-or-treating at town hall, and then lunch with Daddy at Aptima.  After a nap and dinner we had planned to take Evan (and Logan) to a few of the neighbors houses.  However, our plans changed when we had a fresh two-year old on our hands this evening.  We gave Evan multiple chances to change his behavior but he just didn't seem to care that he wasn't going to be able to go trick-or-treating.  I was certainly more upset about it than he was.  It was a busy couple of days and maybe Evan had decided that he already had enough candy.  Either way we had a fun Halloween with our little fire chief and our monster/pumpkin!

Not the best video but it's all we have from tonight.  Maybe we'll try to get another one later.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Miscellaneous October Happenings

Lots of little daily occurrences with two sweet little boys = Lots of pictures and lots of fun!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Gramma & Papa's Anniversary Party

Last night we had a 40th anniversary party for Gramma and Papa at Richard's Pub.  They celebrated their 40th anniversary on September 16th and we wanted to have a party with friends and family to honor them and all they have done for us throughout our lives.  There was a lot of planning and organizing that went into the night and it turned out exactly as we had imagined.  The evening was complete with wonderful company including lots of family, old friends and new; great food; a photo slideshow; a little dancing; and some "Remember when" stories. We are so happy that so many people joined us to celebrate the long lasting love that Papa and Gramma have for each other.  We love you!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pre-Halloween Activities

This October has been filled with pre-Halloween activities.  Everything from homemade super hero costumes with Papa to making cookies with mom to share with friends and cousins to carving (stinky) pumpkins with dad.  It has been a busy but fun month!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Boys and Madelyn

Boys, boys, boys and more boys!  Every where we look we are surrounded by little boys.  We have our own boys and our nephews.  Most of my cousins children are boys and most of our friends children are boys.  Today we spent the day at the playground with four fun boys and one sweet (severely outnumbered) little girl - the Wheeler's and the Mamuszka's.  It was difficult to have a very lengthy conversation (and to take many photos) because the kids were all running in different directions but it was great to see everyone and enjoy a beautiful fall day.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dippin' Like Grandpa!

When Omi and Grandpa Bob were here in May, Evan shared a snack of graham crackers and milk with Grandpa.  This morning he asked for some milk in a bowl and a graham cracker because he wanted to be...

...dippin' like Grandpa!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Adam's Farm with the Bowden's

This was a weekend filled with time spent with long-time friends.  Today we met the Bowden's at Davenport's in Cumberland, RI for lunch and then went to Adam's farm for a fun New England autumn outing complete with a hayride, a hay maze, and pumpkins.  While Evan and I have seen Lia and Emily quite a few times over the last two years, we usually get together during the week when the dad's are working.  It was nice to have a get together that included everyone on what turned out to be a beautiful afternoon.  I had so much fun watching Evan and Lia interact...such cuties!

Leah's Visit

Last night we had a very special house guest.  One of my good friends from high school, Leah, came to visit. She was supposed to stay with us on Friday night before participating in a triathlon on Saturday but due to a rental car mix up she wasn't able to make it to Millbury.  It actually worked out better because we were able to have a longer, more relaxed visit.  I can't remember the last time she and I had so much time together.  Evan was quite entertaining and flirty with Leah and Logan had quite a few smiles (and some spit-up) for her as well. We had a wonderful night just talking and catching up...something I hope we can do more of in the future!  Thanks for coming to visit, Leah!

Woohoo, Number Two!

If you are a parent, then you are well aware of how exciting the little things can be, especially those related to bodily functions.  Over the last few weeks and months, we have been trying to get Evan comfortable with using the potty.  We haven't started full fledged potty training but have been taking small steps instead.  We have Evan sit on the potty every night and try to pee.  Most nights he goes, anything from a few drops to a decent amount.  Well tonight, during what I thought to be a delay tactic to avoid going to bed, Evan pooped on the potty!  Yes this is a big deal!  And yes I am crazy and took a picture of it (I'll spare you)!  This is a big milestone...after all there will only be one first number two!!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Logan's First Friend

Evan's first friend was Mr. Frog in his crib.  Logan's first friend, besides Evan of course, is also a frog but a different frog, the froggie on his bouncy seat.  He talks to him at length every day...If only we knew what Logan was telling the frog.  Maybe Evan understands...I guess we'll never know.

Two going on 15

I'm not sure when it happened but our two year old is two going on 15! Just today there were a handful of times when I thought to myself "when did Evan get so big!" First it was make your own pizza at Uno's where we met Gramma and Papa for lunch. Evan did a great job making his pizza and hardly even needed my help at all.

Then after playing outside for a while once we came home, he helped himself to an apple in the fruit drawer in the fridge. The drawer is full of apples and really heavy but Evan was able to open it, choose an apple and close it by himself. Then after shining the apple on his shirt he said, "Look it mommy, I'm cleaning it up. See how shiny it is." While enjoying his apple, Evan turned to me and said "John (our 11 year-old neighbor) wore me out." He and John played outside for quite some time this afternoon.

Finally, this evening after changing Logan's diaper, I came downstairs to find Evan sitting on the couch with the TV on watching some Mitt Romney (Daddy would not be happy) special on PBS. Evan looked at me and said, "Look it, Mommy, I turned the TV on. I can help myself."

What happened to my baby?? Before I know it he will be off to college!

In other news, we went to the pediatrician today for Logan's two month well visit. He weighs 14 lbs, 10 oz (93rd percentile); is 24.25 in long (84th percentile); and his head circumference is 41 cm (67th percentile). It's funny because Logan started out 10 oz heavier than Evan and was 8 oz heavier at 1 month and again at 2 months. Evan was slightly longer and his head was a bit bigger than Logan at 2 months but so far they are pretty close. Logan also had a couple of shots for vaccinations but he was a champ and not at all cranky today. Such a trooper!

Getting a little help from Papa with the sauce

Serious pizza making business!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Two Months Old

Logan is two months old today.  He is a growing, happy boy who sleeps through the night (6-8 hours inconsistently) and eats like a champ. He is eating about 30-35 ounces per day and still naps much of the day.  Logan is becoming more and more alert everyday and loves to watch his big brother run around the house.  We go to the pediatrician on Thursday so check back for a size update.  He is growing out of most of his 3 month clothes so I'm sure he will be off the charts!  And as you can see from the pictures, he loves to talk, smile and giggle!  We sure are lucky!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Princess Evalyn and Prince Evan

Today we drove out west to see Jackie and Evalyn.  We had lunch at the farm after looking at the baby cows and then had some ice cream.  Evan enjoyed his very first own ice cream cone and had a blast playing with Evalyn at her house.  Can't wait to see them again and meet the new little baby who is set to arrive in just about one month.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Big Brother Presents and Big Boy Fun

Having a new baby has been busier than I imagined.  As such, I have fallen behind in my blogging.  In an effort to catch up and get back on track, I have decided to combine a few smaller events/posts into one larger one.  (In all honesty, I'm not sure that many of these "events" would warrant their own post anyway.)
While it has been a busy eight (seriously...already 8!) weeks, we have also spent quite a bit of time at home, settling into our new routine.  Part of our new routine includes Evan being a big brother and a big boy.  He has been enjoying being a big brother, especially receiving all of the big brother presents, and has also been having some big boy fun.  As always Evan has been singing, dancing and performing a ton.  He has also been having a great time riding his new tractor and trying to do karate just like Danny.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Since Logan was born, we have been asked over and over "How is Evan doing?  Is he a great big brother?" I have to say Evan is a wonderful big brother!  He is very helpful and willing to get things for me when I need them...a bib, a burp cloth, a bottle, a binkie...and he often gets things without being asked.  Evan is also very loving and sweet with Logan.  He gives him lots of kisses, often times on his own, talks to him, snuggles with him and wants to hold and feed Logan all the time.  This is not to say that we haven't had difficult moments as well but I think (or at least I like to believe) that these are typical two-year old moments more so than they are attributed to having a new baby in the house.
Logan also loves his big brother.  He responds to his voice and laughter and watches Evan play and dance around.  Now that Logan is smiling more, he often smiles at Evan.  It is so wonderful to watch this bond between brothers begin to develop...just as I'd hoped it would.  I know they will have their moments when they fight but overall I believe they will be best friends.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Little Pats Fans

I can't remember the last time we were so glad to see the Red Sox season come to an end.  Even without watching too many games, this year was painful!  Let's hope that the Pats don't follow in the Sox footsteps.  Even if they don't go the the Super Bowl again, they can't be as bad as the Sox were, right?

Friday, September 28, 2012

Conversation with Papa

Just before Evan was three months old, he had this little conversation with Papa.  Now Logan, not quite two months old, had a similar conversation with Papa.  There is just something about these boys and their Papa!  It's very sweet and special!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Visiting Gigi

Today I brought Evan and Logan to visit Gigi so that she could meet the littlest of her 15 great-grandchildren!  It is amazing to have so many little ones in our family especially when you consider that about half of my cousins do not have children yet.  I wonder how many great-grandchildren Gigi will one day have??  Gigi and I had a nice visit while Evan played with some Lincoln Logs and Logan had lunch.

Gigi and Logan

Gigi and Evan

Gigi and both boys

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Who's who?

Some people say that Evan and Logan look a lot alike...other people say there is a resemblance but that's it. Sometimes I agree with "some people", other times I agree with "other people".  You decide.  On the next series of pictures, who's who?


Mouths wide open...this one's a gimme

Great big eyes

 Sweet baby boy asleep at the hospital...this one is easy too

Heading home

I've got my eye on you

Ooo, those lips

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

731 to 415

The first seven weeks of Evan's life we took 731 pictures of him.  The first seven weeks of Logan's life we took 415.  Second child syndrome, right?  Well maybe not.  If you add in the 118 pictures that we have of both boys together, the new total is 533.  If you then count all of the photos that are organized in other folders from apple picking, Papa & Gramma's anniversary, Omi & Grandpa's visit, Daddy's birthday, Labor Day weekend, and Uncle Dan & Auntie Karin's cookout, I'd say that we have probably just about as many pictures of Logan as we did of Evan after 7 weeks.  At times it is definitely a bit more challenging to take photos - sometimes I feel like it would be great if I was an octopus so I could have enough hands to do everything.  Plus for the first few weeks of Logan's life he slept so much that, even as cute as he is awake and sleeping, we didn't take too many pictures.  All in all, I'd say we are doing pretty well documenting his life as much as we did his big brother's.
Here is a sampling of some of the best photos that haven't appeared in any other post.  Please forgive me for not captioning every photo...I do have two little boys to take care of you know. :-) Enjoy!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Apple Picking

What better way to spend a beautiful fall day than with a hayride and apple picking?  Today we met Papa, Gramma, Danny and Sean (Auntie Karin and Uncle Dan were at the Red Sox game) at A&W for lunch (which we won't do again based on price increases) before heading to the apple orchard for a hayride and apple picking.  It was the perfect day for some fun with the little boys!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Logan's Letter

In keeping with tradition, Logan's letter from Papa is now framed and hanging on the wall in his room.  I started this tradition of writing letters to the boys while waiting at the hospital for Danny to be born.  I also wrote a letter to Sean on the day he was born.  Both letters came from the heart to let my nephews know that I love them and will always be here for them.  Papa carried on the tradition by writing a letter to Evan two days before he was due (which ended up being 11 days before he was born) and to Logan on the day he was born.  These letters are something special that the boys will always have and will hopefully cherish as they grow up.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Magic Number

Logan's magic number is 6.  

6 weeks old

 6 hours per night

6 times so far

Even though I love seeing this face, I hope we are in the home stretch!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Papa & Gramma's 40th Anniversary

Forty years ago today, Gramma and Papa were married.  Today they chose to spend the day with all of us watching the Patriots game.  We had a nice day despite the outcome of the game and even looked at their wedding photos.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Grandpa and Omi Meet Logan

Omi and Grandpa Bob came for a visit to meet their littlest grandson.  They arrived early Friday morning and unfortunately Grandpa Bob was only able to stay for one day while Omi stayed for five.  Even though it was a relatively short visit, we had lots of fun and loved having them here.  It was wonderful to have an extra set of hands around so that we could more easily entertain Evan and take care of Logan.  Thanks for coming to visit, Omi and Grandpa!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Daddy's Birthday

Daddy took today off from work to spend his birthday with his two favorite little pals, Omi and me.  It was a beautiful day and we had lunch outside at the Vintage Grille in Worcester.  We had never been there before and were pleasantly surprised with the selection and quality of the food.  We had planned to spend part of the afternoon at a corn maze only to find out that most of them are only open on weekends.  Instead we went to the playground near our house so that Evan could run around with Daddy and Omi.  It wasn't as much fun as a corn maze would have been but it was still fun.  We had a nice dinner and finished the night with Daddy's favorite, peaches 'n cream pie!  Happy birthday, Daddy!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Let's Go Red Sox!

Back in March, we purchased 4 right field roof Red Sox tickets for today's game figuring we would have no trouble finding two people to join us at the game.  Little did we know that this was going to be the Sox worst season in years!  After having no luck selling the other two tickets, we decided to take Evan to his first major league game at Fenway.  He had a blast!  He has been so excited about the Sox all season (at least someone has been!) and it was a great experience to share with him.  It was also a special treat for Omi who grew up watching lots of baseball, mostly the Cincinatti Reds.  The start of the game was a little chilly but the rain held off ans overall it was a nice day.  We saw Wally, if only from a distance, and were able to walk along the warning track after the game.  We even made it on the jumbo tron twice!  Not bad for a first time experience.  The only thing that would have made it better would have been if the Red Sox won but in Evan's eyes that doesn't matter too much.

Friday, September 7, 2012

One Month Update

I took Logan to the Pediatrician today for his one month well visit. Hard to believe that he is already a month old (actually 7 weeks as I am posting this 2+ weeks late). He passed with flying colors! His stats are: weight 12 lbs (90th percentile), height 24 inches (97th percentile), head circumference 38.5 cm (56th percentile). I can't wait until he meets Dr. Gonroff next month...I think she is going to love Logan as much as she did Evan.
He is a growing boy who sleeps and eats a lot. He is eating about 25 ounces per day and tends to cluster feed at night. This is likely due to the fact that he sleeps much of the day. His alert periods are increasing, especially at night, but he is still mostly sleeping during the day. This makes things a bit easier for me because other than feeding time, Logan isn't really demanding of much of my time, leaving lots of time to play with Evan.  We are enjoying watching him grow and don't remember much from this stage of Evan's life...other than being tired and not having a clue what we were doing.  Looking forward to what month two will bring!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


I know I may be a little bit biased but...this IS what handsome looks like!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Good Will and Them Apples

After a low key, relaxing day yesterday, we wanted to get out and enjoy the beautiful Labor Day.  It wasn't really warm enough to sit by the pool so we met Papa and Gramma at Chelo's by the water for lunch.  It was slammed!  We were told it would be over an hour to get a table outside but something opened up after only about 20 minutes.  After a nice lunch, complete with a delicious mudslide, Evan took over the dance floor!  The band was Good Will and Them Apples (cute name) and they were great!  We will definitely try to see them again.  What a great (unofficial) end to a great summer!