Saturday, December 13, 2014

Fun with Logan

I have really been enjoying my time with Logan this fall.  It is nice to have some time with just him while Evan is at school.  It's kind of funny because when Evan was the age that Logan is now, I didn't really get much time alone with him because we had Logan.  It is nice to see Logan's personality developing and to watch him change and grow so quickly...too quickly!  We have fun doing all sorts of things - running errands, playing at home, meeting friends for morning play dates, or just snuggling on the couch together.  He is certainly my little buddy and I love it!

Some of my favorite Logan-isms right now are:
"I do good job, mommy?"/"I good helper, mommy?"
"Wanna play with me, mommy?"
"That's good singing back there" - after a song ends in the car
and so many more...

A little live action to see just how full of life Logan is

Friday, December 12, 2014

Santa's Little Elves

The two little Christmas elves living in our house have been very busy these last few weeks.  They have helped with everything from picking out a Christmas tree to wrapping presents to baking cookies to decorating to putting up the village to doing Christmas projects and so much more!  They have worked hard to fill our house with holiday love and cheer...something of which we can never have too much.  Happy holidays from our little elves!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Millbury Chain of Lights

Each year the town of Millbury hosts the Chain of Lights.  It is an event where many local businesses host holiday activities for families to enjoy as they stroll through town on a Sunday early in December.  In the 8+ years that we have lived in Millbury, we had never attended until today.  We started with lunch at the Pizza Chef where they had a live band playing and singing Christmas carols.  Next we stopped by to see the Boy Scouts on the common who were making s'mores and giving away hot chocolate which was much appreciated on this cold day.  After taking a horse drawn sleigh ride through town, we stopped in at a local dentist's office for some popcorn and a balloon.  Next we went to the Asa Waters Mansion to visit with Santa and Mrs. Claus and to hear the reading of The Night Before Christmas.  We finished up our day with a stop at one of our favorite places in town, the library.  We only stopped in at a few of the many places but we had a great day!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Trouble x2!

Tonight while Bruce and I were finishing up dinner, the boys, who had already had dinner earlier, were upstairs playing quietly together.  At one point, I even commented to Bruce about how they were playing nicely together.  We could hear them but they weren't being crazy and they weren't we thought!
When Bruce went upstairs after dinner, this is what he found.

The boys had emptied out Logan's entire dresser containing clothes of various sizes and seasons.  Now, normally Evan is quick to tattle if Logan isn't doing the right thing but I guess that only applies to when Logan isn't doing what Evan wants him to do.  Instead, this time, big brother joined right in!  After what was already a bit of a difficult day, what else could I do but take pictures and laugh...Good thing I love these boys so much!

Standing in his crib, admiring his work

Guilty, guilty!  My favorite parts of the video are Evan from the background "I helped" and Logan's response to what do you say to mommy..."Thank you, Mommy".  Little turkeys!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Mall Fun

I often run my errands with Logan while Evan is at school because it is easier with just one than it is with two, even when they are well behaved.  But I have been noticing that Evan often sounds disappointed when Logan tells him where we went or what we did while Evan was at school.  Today I decided to stop in at the Auburn Mall after picking Evan up.  It was a cold day, too cold to play outside so I figured it would be a good way to break up the afternoon.  The boys had fun exploring all of the ride-on toys at the mall and choose to ride the horse and rocket ship over the Santa's village train.  That's ok because Santa was on a break anyway.  They each choose one thing from the toy/candy machine and one ride in addition to the carousel.  It was a fun little afternoon with these sweet boys.