Sunday, April 24, 2016

Evan's Week with Q Bear

This week Evan had the honor of bringing Q Bear home from school with him.  Q Bear is a bear that each student takes home for one weekend and then journals about their adventures with him before returning to school on Monday.  Evan was so excited to have Q Bear home for not just a weekend but the entire week.  We were on the go much of the week but he still had a good week with Q Bear.  You can check out their adventures here: Adventures with Q Bear.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Dinosaur Footprints, Mt. Tom, and McCray's Dairy Farm

I'm trying something new tonight for blogging.  Not sure how it will work or if this will be the new format and I still need to figure out how to add captions but here are some photos from our Patriot's Day adventure in western Mass. (Click on the word photos above.  The hyperlink was a bit tough to see.)