Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day!

Hi Mom!  It's me.  I haven't "talked" to you in a while but I couldn't let Mother's Day pass without wishing you a Happy Mother's Day.  Oh, Mom, I miss you so much!  There is so much I want to say, so much to tell you but I can't seem to find the words.
We've been really busy this last month, not too busy for you, never too busy for you, but it seems like things never slow down.  And when they do, I just crash.  I finished my thesis and portfolio.  I have graduation coming up on Friday.  It seems a bit like cheating because I still have one class to take this summer but I'm still going to participate in the ceremony.  Dad is going to come up, maybe Dan and Karin too.  I wish that you were going to be there too.  I know how proud you would be.
Dad has been home for one week.  He drove 15 hours and 1200 miles last Saturday and made it to Edgewood, Maryland.  Isn't that crazy?  He was home before noon time on Sunday so he was able to see Dan before Dan left for Chicago.  We saw Dad on Wednesday when we had a bit of an early birthday celebration for Evan with Bob and Leni.  It is bittersweet to have Dad home.  It's great to see him but having him home without you is really hard.
Evan has started riding a two wheel bike without training wheels.  He went right from the balance bike onto the two wheeler basically on the first day he tried it.  He needed help getting started for the first day.  Used a paint can to push off on the second day and then was off and riding all on his own later that day.  He is so proud of himself...And I am too.  You should see how he beams when he's riding.  He loves it!
Evan also started t-ball at the end of April.  The first day of practice it was 40 degrees and rainy and snowy...just beautiful t-ball weather.  But we've had much nicer weather since the beginning of May...almost summer like.  I hope it will be a good pool summer but know that the empty chair by the pool is going to be so, so tough.
Logan is...well Logan!  He started "riding" the balance bike and yells, "I'm doing it, I'm doing it, Evan!" as he rides.  He has also been more and more interested in playing t-ball and even takes some pitches to hit.  Logan has been getting a bit more interested in using the potty.  Bruce and I haven't really pushed it but Evan has been helping him and it's so cute!  Logan actually kicks me out of the bathroom and will do it on his own or with Evan's help.  He's really growing up so quickly.
Bruce and I are doing ok.  Bruce had a phone interview last week with a new company and he is pretty excited about the job so hopefully that will work out.  We had a nice visit with Bob and Leni last week and the boys loved having them here!  Bob and Bruce got quite a bit of work done in the yard where we had that land cleared.  I think it is going to be really nice once it's done.
There so much more I want to say...all the little bedding, new boot camps, jamberry's, Amanda's dad, Amanda's new baby, the end of Evan's school year - field trips, parties and graduation, meeting some Millbury people through t-ball, offering to host the end of the season party like you and Dad always did, Evan's party next weekend with some friends from school, Hopkinton State Park with Jen and the kids, Danny and Sean's sleepover this weekend, running, shopping...oh so many stories.  I miss our talks!  I wish I could just pick up the phone and call you.  I wish you were coming up for Evan's game and a cookout later today.  Oh, Mom, thank you, thank you, thank you...I never said it enough.  I am so thankful for everything you always did for me, for everything you taught me, for the relationship we had, for being "girls are girls"...for you!!  Mother's Day will forever be different for me but I will forever be grateful for all that we had!  I love you!!

One of my favorite photos of Mom and I from Jen and Mike's wedding in 2013

Two peas in a pod...I couldn't be more proud of the woman who gave me life!  Such an amazing mother, wife, daughter, Gramma, sister, friend and woman!  Thank you for being such a wonderful role model!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Evan's 5th Birthday Letter

Dear Evan,
Happy 5th birthday, buddy!  You are asleep in bed and have been for about an hour after a very busy day and week of fun and celebration.  Today we spent the day at the New England Aquarium with Daddy, Logan, Omi and Grandpa Bob.  It was Omi and Grandpa's last day here before heading back to Washington.  After the aquarium and a nap in the car on the way home, we went pretty much straight to your t-ball game.  You say you are having fun playing which I hope you are.  I wish I could see it a little more though.
You are an amazing little boy with a vivid imagination.  You love to learn and are right on the cusp of being able to read.  I think if we worked at it a little bit, you would be reading in no time.  You are a sensitive little boy, sometimes a bit too sensitive when things don't go your way, especially when Logan only wants my help and not yours.  You love to play outside, exploring and riding your bike, which you just learned to do last week!  You love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Raphael is your favorite.  You love to create with Legos and are getting really good at creating your own original things.  I think you'll be conquering that Erector set in no time.  You adore your brother, usually, and are generally very nice to him.  You guys have lots of fun together, especially when you add in Danny and Sean.
This last year was a bit of a stressful one for you and I am seeing that reflected in your sensitivity, anxiety about new situations, and "OCD" habits.  I hope that this is a short phase for you and that you learn to be more confident and comfortable in the amazing little boy that you are.
I know that I am not always as nice or as patient as I could be and want to be...I am working on that though.  Regardless of that, I hope you know just how much Daddy and I love you.  We have high expectations of you because we know what an incredible boy you are.  You are destined for great things!
I am excited for the end of the school year with so many fun things coming up including your birthday party and pre-school graduation.  I am excited for the summer and a little bit sad that you will be starting school in the fall.  I will miss you when you are at school but I am excited to see and learn all that you do, through your eyes.
I hope that you know how special you are to so many people, but especially to Daddy and I.  I hope that you always love to learn and create and imagine wonderful things.  I hope that you continue to grow and achieve and make us proud.  We are so proud of you and couldn't ask for anything more...well maybe a bit better listening sometimes...  :-)
Happy 5th birthday, pal!  I love you to the moon and back!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Logan's Two Year Letter (Almost 9 Months Late)

Dear Logan,
I am writing you this letter for your second birthday but I am writing it almost 9 months late.  I apologize for that but we have been quite busy having lots of fun and I just never got around to it.  But when you consider that you came along about 9 months earlier than we expected you, maybe you could still consider this to be "on time".  Either way, this letter comes with so much love for all that you are, my amazing little guy!
On the night of your birthday party last year, I read "Thumper Finds An Egg" to you before bed.  You were kissing and snuggling every bunny on every page but you wouldn't give Gramma or Grammy kisses before they left the party.  This is quite typical of you, always playing little games and being silly, especially being stingy with your kisses!
While at your party, you wanted to play horseshoes and you just had to be at the post where Evan wanted to be.  Maybe you just wanted to be close to your big brother but more likely you were just pestering him.  This is something that you do quite well.  After all, it is one of the jobs of a little brother!  As the year has gone on, you and Evan have become best buddies but not without arguments and fights.  You are often the instigator and Evan is often the one who overreacts.  I'm hoping that this phase will be short and that you will start to play together without fighting more and more.  
Some other cute things from your party were when you were giving sly looks to Uncle Dan while digging for ice in the cooler.  You would have spent the entire day digging in that thing if we let you.  You were also stealing Papa's seat and telling him "You sit right there", next to you.  Then when it was time for Annalia and Jonah to leave you said "Time get going!"
You have had quite a few adorable sayings and phrases (dursty/thirsty, dunder/thunder, scunscreen/sunscreen) over the last 9 months.  I have kept track of a few of them.  

-On the way home from Sesame Place (8/6), you and I were playing a little "I love you" game.  It went like this.
Mommy: I love you!
Logan: No, I love you!
Mommy: No, I love you!
Logan: No, I love you! (So on and so forth)
Evan: Ok, ok, you both love each other, please stop now

-On the way home from Papa & Gramma's (9/28), I took a drink from my water bottle and you said from the back seat, "Two hands, mommy.  You drive two hands.  You all done drinking now, two hands." When I was done drinking and you still couldn't see the other hand you said "And the other one?  Where the other one?"

-On that same drive home, when I thought you were exhausted (Evan was asleep in the car), you called out from the backseat, "That good coughing, mommy".  I said, "I sneezed" to which you replied "Oh, well that good sneezing then."

-After dropping Evan off at school (9/29), you were running through the grass in your crocs and you said to me "It's raining in my shoe mommy! Other one too!" as the dew was getting through the holes in your crocs.

-While you were watching me put on make-up (10/11), "Why you doing that painting?" as I was applying blush.

- During the Christmas season, on the way up our street everyday, you would ask "Can we see reindeer, and ho-ho and bringer-man?"  You also call the grinch the grunch.

You are becoming quite the silly little man who knows just how to get what he wants.  I love you more and more everyday!

Love always,