Sunday, July 31, 2011

I Love My Cousins!

Another fun, family Sunday spent at Papa and Gramma's poolside. It was a hot day so everyone was in and out of the pool all day long. Today was the kind of day that really makes you appreciate the special bond that exists in our family. Watching Danny, Sean and Evan play together is always fun but today it was just a little more special. They are really starting to interact a lot and have fun together. It is wonderful to see! The boys had fun in the pool, running through the sprinkler, playing with rocks and playing ring-around-the-rosey. A perfect summer day!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


The three things every man needs...a hat, a hammer and a bottle!

This little guy wants to be more and more like Daddy everyday!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Helping Daddy Water

Evan loves waiting outside for Daddy to get home from work and then spending time outside playing and watering the flowers and garden. Evan especially loves hot days when the playing and the watering become one activity!

Soaking the rose bush
I'll change it to "shower", Dad
Such a big helper!
Uh oh, I think somebody's gonna get wet!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Fifteen Minutes of Fame

On Friday, July 15th, Evan and I walked to the center of town to attend the first of a series of summer concerts on the common. Most of the music was way before my time but Evan loved dancing and clapping to it anyway. He was entertaining everyone around us and even made the paper today! Too bad you can't see the big smile he had at the time!

Enjoying the music on the common
Clapping to the music
Photo from the TelegramTowns

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Um, Evan, honey...I think you have a little something stuck to your bum...

Safety First

I know Mommy used to be a safety engineer and she taught me "Safety First"!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Weekend in DC

Piggy-backing on Bruce's System Dynamics conference in Washington DC, we decided to take a short family vacation to our nation's capital. Little did we know it was going to be during some of the hottest weather they have experienced all year! Despite the record-breaking heat, we had a great, action packed trip!

Saturday, after an early flight from T. F. Green, we arrived at the hotel and were able to check in early. This was especially great as it allowed us to get settled and Evan to take a nap before heading into DC for the afternoon and evening. After a bit of a challenge, we were able to find a cafe for lunch and then went to the Air and Space Museum. Due to the extreme temperatures outside, it was packed! But we were able to see all that we wanted to see and Evan took another short nap. We left the Air and Space Museum and headed to the Museum of Natural History. Evan loved it! He stood in the foyer for at least five minutes making his elephant trumpet noise. We then ventured through many of the exhibits of dinosaurs and mammals, with Evan making various animal noises the entire way. At one point, he was even entertaining an entire room full of people as he danced to some African music! When we were finished with the museums for the day, we met up with Glenn for dinner at a nice Italian restaurant. It was great to sit and catch up for a while!

Sunday started a little slowly with sleeping in and then a long nap for Evan mid-morning. We then met up with Adria and had sandwiches at Potbelly's in Crystal City. We decided to go to the Aquarium because we thought Evan would enjoy it and we were right. It wasn't a huge aquarium but it wasn't overly crowded either. After spending most of the hottest part of the day indoors, we decided to brave the heat and check out some monuments. We walked by the White House and then to the WWII, Vietnam and Lincoln Memorials and were able to see the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool as well. Unfortunately the Reflecting Pool was drained and under construction. After a long day, we decided on a low-key dinner of pizza in the hotel room. We had such a fun day in DC with a wonderful tour guide! Thanks, Adria!

Monday and Tuesday were still hot but much more low-key. Bruce attended meetings for the SD conference all day and evening on both days and Evan and I stuck pretty close to the hotel. On Monday, we went for a walk to a nearby playground and after a short while ended up heading back to the hotel due to the heat. Tuesday before Evan and I flew back to RI, we enjoyed a bit of time in the pool. All in all a nice family trip to a beautiful city even with the hot, humid weather!

Friday, July 22, 2011


Trying out my new "Cars" camp chair

Chillin' in the car on the way to the Eric Carle Museum

Eric Carle Museum

Evan loves to read! He has always liked being read to at night and now he loves reading on his own. He will sit on the floor and turning the pages of any book for quite a long time. He often brings a book to mommy or daddy and sits down ready to read. One book that he really enjoys is The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and so today we went to the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art. We met Jackie and Evalyn there, whom we hadn't seen since last June! At the museum, they have an art gallery, a library, a gift shop and a hands-on art studio where everyone is encouraged to be an artist. Evan and Evalyn had the most fun reading in the library and making tissue paper collages in the art studio. Unfortunately, we forgot to go back and get the collages they made once they were dry. It was a fun afternoon for both the kids and the moms!

Monday, July 18, 2011


After a wonderful visit with Gigi, we went to Papa and Gramma's for a little while. This particular Monday, they were only baby-sitting for Sean because Danny and Auntie Karin were at the beach and Sean doesn't like the beach. Shortly after we got there, Danny and Auntie Karin showed up too and Papa went to run an errand. When he came home, he had Del's! Everyone, especially the three little boys, was excited! As Papa was serving it up, Sean stood at the kitchen counter squawking because he wanted some. Papa decided it was best to drink the Del's outside on the little picnic table. Evan and Sean were like two little birds waiting for the next worm. They barely finished on bite before they said "Moh" (more). At one point Evan got down from his seat on the bench and went to stand next to Papa...I think to be closer to the action! After all the Del's was gone, Evan put his hand on Papa's shoulder and gave him a hug and a kiss...I guess that was his way of saying "Thank you, Papa! I love you!"

Visiting Gigi

Today we had a nice (long overdue) visit with Gigi. It took Evan a minute or two to get familiar with his surroundings but once he did, he had a great time! Evan explored Gigi's house and performed all of his tricks on cue. We stayed for lunch and until Evan was ready for a nap. What a wonderful visit!

Gigi, will you teach me how to play bridge?
A beautiful photo of Evan and Gigi

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mini Golf, Barnyard Animals and Ice Cream

What a fun, summer family day we had today! We took Evan to West End Creamery to go mini golfing. It was a beautiful day with just the right mix of sun and clouds so that we didn't get too hot. We left Evan in his stroller for the beginning of our golfing but then gave him a chance to play around the 13th hole. He had a great time just walking along holding his club and ball and preferred walking to actually trying to play. I think he thought Bruce and I were trying to take his club when we tried to help him hit the ball. After mini-golf (which Bruce won as a result of me choking at the end), we went over to check out some of the barnyard animals that they have on-site. We saw chickens, goats, bunnies, sheep and pigs. We worked up quite an appetite playing mini-golf and decided to have ice cream for lunch! What a great afternoon!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Daddy Afternoons

As you know, Evan loves his daddy. We often go outside in the afternoon and wait for daddy to come home from work. Evan always has big smiles and hugs for daddy, which I am sure makes daddy's day! This week I started tutoring so Evan and daddy will be getting some one-on-one QT, something that doesn't happen too often. I think both boys are happy about that!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kiddie Pool

Sometimes I think it's a bit nuts how often I drive up and down 146 to go to Gramma and Papa's but on hot summer days like today, there is nothing better than spending the day at the pool! So even though we were just there yesterday, Evan and I loaded up our "beach" bag and hit the road. I knew it would be a fun day because it was a Monday...triple the fun! What I didn't know was that we would have special visitors in the afternoon...Keaney and Kingston! So nice to enjoy a beautiful day with cousins!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Summer Party and the Traveling BBQ

This Saturday we had our annual summer party. While it was smaller than normal due to a lot of people not being able to make it, we still had a fun time, ate too much and played plenty of beer pong! I think Evan was trying to learn how to play and taking notes! The kids enjoyed the kiddie pool and the adults enjoyed the ladder golf and cornhole (on Bruce's homemade cornhole boards). The night ended with some great conversation, s'more's and hot tubbing. Who knows...maybe we will have another party later this summer for those who couldn't make it this time.
We had so much food left over that we brought a traveling BBQ to Papa and Gramma's. All of the usual suspects were there to help us eat as much of the food as we could but it really looks like we hardly even ate. Guess Aptima will be getting lots of "donations" tomorrow!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Silly Little Monkey

This month was all about having fun and being silly. Evan started walking a few weeks ago and hardly ever crawls anymore. He is cutting more teeth, his molars, which isn't too much fun but Evan still spends the majority of his time being a goof ball. We have so much fun together and are really enjoying the nice weather. Evan is talking up a storm and loves to make animal noises. He repeats just about everything we say. Guess we better make sure our language is baby appropriate from now on! We love watching him develop into a sweet little boy!

Beach Day

Nicole was on vacation this week and asked Evan and I to join her for a day at the beach. We were very excited to do so and Daddy was a little jealous. But as a result of not having any meetings at work, he decided to take a vacation day to join us. Boy, did we have fun! It was a perfect day! Evan loved playing in the sand by the water, so much so that he even tried to eat it a few times. This was our cue that maybe it was time for lunch! After lunch the boys napped while the girls gabbed. Then it was time for more water and sand fun until we had to leave. As Nicole said when we were leaving, "I think we have a beach bum on our hands!"

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hi, Kids!

Evan loves to watch all the kids across the street play in their yards. Whenever they are outside (and often when they are not) he waves to them and talks to them from our yard. He has even started looking for them when we are in the house. Sometimes I think he wishes he were old enough to play with them.

Relax a little! Would ya?

Big Shoes to Fill

Evan loves his daddy! And has definitely been daddy's little pal over the last few days. I think he already realizes what a great guy daddy is and how he takes such good care of Evan and I. I bet Evan wants to be just like daddy when he grows up!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011!

Would you want to leave this sweet little face at day care every day so that you can go to work?
No? Me neither!
That's why I will be staying at home with this very special little man! I know it won't always be fun and it won't always be easy but it will always be worth it! I love you, Evan!! We are gonna have so much fun!!

Fourth of July Weekend

We had a lot packed into this holiday weekend and while it didn't go exactly as expected (what ever does when you have a toddler), all in all it was a great weekend. Friday night we had an adults night out with our RI friends in honor of Glenn being home from DC. This is something that doesn't happen often enough but is always fun. We went to Rick's Roadhouse for dinner and then to Chelo's Waterfront for music and drinks while Evan stayed with Papa & Gramma.
Saturday the guys went golfing and I stayed by the pool with Evan. The little cold he had that started Thursday was getting worse throughout the day though, so he just wasn't himself. Poor little guy! We had quite a bit more going on in RI so we were trying to decide to stay in RI or just go home. We ended up deciding that I would go to Scott and Jill's engagement party and Bruce would stay at our home away from home with Evan. It was nice to be able to see everyone in the family but I was definitely missing my boys!
Sunday was the cookout at Uncle Dan and Aunt Karin's. We were so excited for it but there was no way Evan was going to make it through the day so we ended up going home. We were bummed to have to miss it but it was the right thing to do. Our sick little man just needed to rest in his own bed.
Monday Evan was feeling better. Papa and Gramma called to invite us to a last minute cookout at their house. So even though we missed the big party Sunday we were able to get in on the fun Monday. Glad our little guy is feeling better!

Da Da!

The sweetest sound you'll ever hear (in between some whining)