Wednesday, February 29, 2012

January & February Extras

Here are some photos from January and February that didn't have their own post but are still too cute not to share.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Picnic with Lia

Em and Lia came to visit today. It was the first time we had seen them since November!  Evan decided he wanted to have a picnic with Lia.  The series of photos that followed are just too cute!  So great to see them and catch up, as always!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sean!

February is full of birthdays in our family...both young, old and somewhere in between.  Today was Sean's birthday.  Even though we didn't see him or talk to him today, we were certainly thinking of him...especially Evan who had a special birthday message for his cousin tonight. Happy birthday, Moose!  We love you!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Can't Find Evan!

Evan has taken to playing peek-a-boo in his sleep.  Three nights this week when I went in to give him a kiss before I went to bed (like I always do), I couldn't find him.  I think we need to teach him that he is supposed to sleep on his pillow pet not sleep with his pillow pet on!

Tuesday night

Wednesday night

Friday night

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Mommy!

Mommy does such an amazing job with the blog. For this day though, she get's a vacation. Here's to the most incredible mother and wife. Happy birthday! We love you!

Sick on Mommy's Birthday

After a fun-filled, busy day yesterday, today was the exact opposite...lazy and low-key.  Some days you just need a day to recover and regroup, especially when you are a little guy who isn't feeling well.  Evan and I spent most of the day today snuggling on the couch and in bed reading books.  I am sorry that my little pal wasn't feeling very well today but I loved all the snuggle time, especially on my birthday!  Thankfully by the afternoon, after a long nap, he was feeling much better!  I think he will be back to "normal" in no time!

Mom, I know it's your birthday today, but can we just lay low?

Doing what everyone does when they don't feel well...

...Lying on the couch, watching TV, snuggling under the blankets

Packing a Lunch

Tonight I had this conversation with Evan while he was busily playing with this softsided cooler.

"Evan, what are you doing?" "Packing a lunch."

"What are you bringing?" "Crackers.  Milk."

"Where are you going?" "Papa's."

And as you can see from the pictures, he was planning to ride "his bike" Geoffrey all the way there.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Providence Children's Museum

Seeing that tomorrow is my birthday and it's a Monday and I'm tutoring from 5-8, I wanted to do something fun as a family today.  Unfortunately, neither one of us had any really good ideas, nor did we really give it any thought until yesterday afternoon.  While researching some options, we were leaning towards the Providence Children's Museum.  Something fun for Evan and not too far or super expensive.  We called Uncle Dan and Auntie Karin to see if they wanted to join us and even though they were planning to stay home and get a few things done, they did join us!  We decided to meet at Fat Belly's for lunch and then head to the museum.  We, amazingly, were a few minutes early so we took Evan to the Splash show at Jordan's Furniture.  It was pretty cool and certainly the right! Then we went to lunch and heading on to the children's museum.  Everyone enjoyed the museum, especially the big water tables!  Such a fun family day...just the way I wanted to spend the day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Boy Genius!

When Bruce told me that he wanted to buy Introductory Calculus for Infants for Evan, I don't remember my exact response but it was something like, "Are you kidding me? Isn't he already going to be nerdy enough just because he has both of our genes?  We have to make sure he is athletic too, not just smart, so that he doesn't get picked on in school."  But once he ordered it and I read it for the first time, I changed my tune.  It is actually a really cute book, in a nerdy, ABC mathy sort ofway.  Here is our little boy genius, teaching himself calculus before the age of two!  As any math teacher would know, it's never too early to get kids interested in math!

"You can be Exponential.  Look how Functional we aretogether."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Handsome Boy!

For whatever reason, Evan was just a little bit cuter today than he is on some days.  Don't get me wrong, I think he is the most adorable little boy every day but some days there is just something a little extra.  Maybe it was because Daddy recently cut his hair, maybe because he had on a new outfit, maybe because he was excited about lunch with Bumpa, or maybe just because the sun was shining.  Whatever the reason, I tried all day, without much luck, to capture this cuteness, until the end of the day.  Again, don't get me wrong, all of these pictures are cute, but the ones at the end, especially the last two, have just a little extra cuteness, don't you think??

Monday, February 6, 2012

Play-Doh Elephant

As I have already mentioned, Bruce is a much better play-doher than I am.

Here is more proof...

Tonight he made Evan an elephant...and it actually looks like an elephant!  The snowmen I can handle but an elephant...come on!  Well as you can see, Evan loved it!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

A Lucky Fox?

Today as I was getting ready for Tim's annual Super Bowl party, I saw a fox out the bathroom window.  At first, through the window, foggy from my shower, I thought it was a cat.  But then I took a closer look and saw that I was wrong.  I have never seen a fox this close before and certainly not in the middle of the day.  Maybe he is a lucky fox who is going to bring us a win tonight...Let's go Patriots!
(Please excuse the photos...they are a little blurry)

Relaxing in the sun on top of the rock ledge


Napping in a nice sunny spot behind the shed

Friday, February 3, 2012

Head Lamp

I think I'll wear this head lamp for a least until my black eye goes away!

I wouldn't want to walk into something and get another one! Safety first!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pasta Fingers

I often find myself doing things I never thought I would do when it comes to parenting...playing catch in the house, blowing bubbles in the kitchen, making a complete fool of myself all to get a laugh out of the sweetest boy in the world!  Another thing that falls into this category is letting Evan play with his some extent.  I generally try to keep him relatively clean at meal time but sometimes you just have to let go, have a little fun and make some pasta fingers!  Whatever works to get him to eat, right?  And boy did he eat tonight!!  So silly!

Pasta Fingers!

Ooo...itchy nose!

 Time for a bite!