Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hanging around the house

This post was drafted for February 23rd but I am finally getting around to writing it on August 18th...Almost 6 months later!  I often "draft" a post to remind myself to go back and write about something that happened at a later date.  For a post with this type of title, I often even leave myself notes about what photos, events or videos I want to include in case I don't get to it right away.  Did I do that this time?  Nope!  And do you think that I remember 6 months later??  Not a chance!  It's been a crazy 6 months - busy, stressful, fun, exciting, nerve-wracking - You name it, we've felt it!  So given that I am so far behind and haven't the slightest idea what this was supposed to be about, I will leave you with this...

Tiki Tree Limbo

Friday, February 21, 2014

Logan's 18 month stats

Logan went to the pediatrician for his 18 month well visit today.  He has changed so much over the last few months...walking then running and talking more and more everyday.  He is running around so much that he hasn't gained any weight!  He's still just over 25 pounds in the 37th percentile which is funny seeing as he started out in the 90+ percentile.  He grew almost 2 inches since November and is 34.5 inches tall (94th percentile).  His HC is about 50 cm (95th percentile).  I guess this explains why he fit into 18 month clothes for so long!  I don't have Evan's 18 month stats but I will have to get them to do another comparison because up until now they are pretty much growing at the exact same rate!  No shots today because Logan was sick earlier in the week which is probably a good thing because he cried through his entire exam.  Poor little guy still isn't quite himself but he still continues to impress Dr. Gonroff, especially with his ever growing vocabulary.  Hard to believe that his next appointment will be his two year check up!

Cute, little, not-so-scary ghost!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Four little boys

We spent the better part of this past weekend with four little boys: Danny, Sean, Evan and Logan.  Just before Christmas, I read an article about giving kids experiences instead of gifts.  I think it is a great idea and decided it would be fun to have Danny and Sean come sleepover at our house (without Uncle Dan and Auntie Karin so they could have a little couples time).  Well this was the weekend.
We picked them up at 10 am on Saturday, brought them back to Millbury, went to Applebee's for lunch and then the older boys (everyone except Logan) went to see the Lego movie.  When they got back we started on some projects...Danny's favorite thing.  We made Olympic medals and started Olympic ring glasses (thanks for the idea, Kodi).  After dinner, the boys played for a while and then settled down watching Phineas and Ferb before heading to bed.  We put them to bed (Evan, Sean and Danny all in Evan's room) at 8:33 and they were quiet by about 9:15.
Sunday got started a bit earlier than we are used to as the three older boys were up at 6:30.  Uncle Bruce made homemade waffles for breakfast and then got busy moving snow and building a snow fort/igloo.  The boys played nicely together with Danny and Evan doing more projects/coloring on and off all morning and Logan and Sean spending lots of time together.  After lunch the boys went out to play in the snow fort and go sledding.  It was such a fun weekend for everyone, especially the boys.  Logan loved playing with the big kids and trying to keep up.  We should definitely do this more often!  In fact, Friday night Uncle Dan and Auntie Karin are going to return the favor so that Bruce and I get a night off.  These boys are so lucky to have each other!

This winter is "snow fun!"

This winter has been tough...just ask any New Englander and they'll tell you.  (They'll probably tell you if you don't ask too!)  It has been snowy and cold!  So cold that the snow never melts, it just piles up and up and up.  If you are 18 months old (or any age in my opinion) that isn't a good thing.  You want to go out and play in the snow but the minute you get out there and realize how deep it is and that you can't walk in it thanks to the depth and your abominable snowman snowsuit, you are miserable.  Welcome to Logan's life!  Poor little guy!  He wants to go outside and play with his big brother more than anything but he is so frustrated that he can't do anything that he spends most of his time in the driveway.  I'm sure he's thinking "How come Evan and do it but I can't?"  Next year, kiddo, next year!  We have still managed to have some fun anyway.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to my two sweet little valentine's!

What did we get, Evan?

Ooo...I see some...


Beautiful brightly colored roses from my hubby

Helping Out a Good Friend on Valentine's Day

Today we spent the day helping out a good friend who due to back trouble isn't able to drive right now.  We picked him up at his house in Hopkinton and brought him to his doctor's appointment in Worcester.  While he was at his appointment, we took care of a few things at the Auburn mall - got mom and dad's watches fixed, had a pretzel snack and played in the kids play area for a bit.  Once he was done with his appointment, we went to the 99 for lunch and then helped him run a few more errands.  It was a lot of time in the car for the boys today but they were great...Never complaining at all!  So nice to be able to help out a friend who has done SO much for us in the past!  After dinner, my special valentine's got to open a few little gifts!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mommy's Birthday

When I heard that we were going to be getting yet another snow storm on my birthday, I was not happy!  Partly because I don't want anymore snow and partly because that would mean we were stuck in the house all day.  I wanted to take Evan to school, take Logan to music class, maybe go out for lunch or dinner.  Do something a little special to "celebrate".  Well none of that happened and I'm glad it didn't!  We had such a fun day being snowed in together, doing not much of anything other than enjoying our time together.  Who needs to celebrate when you have two amazing little boys who think you are the best mom in the world?  Thank you, Mother Nature, for "ruining" my birthday plans!

Logan sings "Happy Birthday" to me...what a sweetie! Just like Evan did he sings "Happy dada (birthday) to you!"

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

More Valentine's

Today we made some more Valentine's!  Thank goodness for crafts and projects when it is too cold and the snow is too deep to play outside.  Gotta keep busy somehow during this colder and snowier than normal winter!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Play Town Express with Emily

Today we returned to a favorite place that we hadn't been in a while and introduced a friend to it.  We hadn't been to Playtown Express in quite some time.  Let's put it this way, not since Logan was in the bucket car seat!  We met Emily and Stacey there so that they could check it out now that they live a bit closer.  Based on the photos, I'd say that all the kids enjoyed their time.  A great way to expend some energy when it's cold and snowy outside.

This little roller coaster was Logan's favorite thing all day

Evan and Logan coming down the big slide.  First Evan, then Logan (after another boy)

The boys had a good time in this bouncy farm for a while too

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Big Boy

Logan seems to be growing up at super speed these days.  He is no longer a baby but rather a toddler with a personality and a half and a mind of his own.  He wants to do and see EVERYTHING that his big brother does!  While it is nice that he is so interested, it is sometimes hard because he isn't 3 going on 4 and some things he's not quite ready for.  But don't try to tell him that!

Look at me sitting at the island by myself!

Cah-ring (aka coloring)

How did I do?

Uh, how do I get down though?

Portrait of Logan

Evan has been coloring, drawing and creating more and more everyday.  This morning he did a portrait of Logan.

The artist hard at work

Notice Logan's PJs

Portrait of Logan by Evan

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Daddy Day

Mommy went to a baby shower brunch for Amy today so the boys had a fun day with Daddy.  A quiet day at home just having fun, playing and being silly!

This wasn't meant to be a video but I just loved how patient Logan is while he waits to have his picture taken.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Valentine's Day Projects

Evan has been busy making Valentine's Day projects this week.

On Wednesday, it was Valentine's Day Trail Mix for snack for school with Valentine's M&M's.

I think this one needs a few more pretzels.  

On Thursday, it was assembling Valentine's Day cards for his classmates.  2 erasers, 1 pencil, 1 Justice League super hero card, 1 notepad and 1 fluffy lovable monster sticker per card.  15 cards all signed by himself.

Admiring his work

Today it was a Valentine's Day foam sign for his room and a cute Valentine's Day frog for Logan.

Putting the eyes on the owls

18 Months!!

Logan turned 18 months old today!  One and a half already!?!?  When and how did that happen??  Too quickly that's for sure!! It's hard to believe that 18 months ago we were just getting to know our little guy.  Now I can't imagine my life without him.  He has brought so much love and joy into our life and filled each day with laughter, love and smiles.  I haven't been as good as keeping up with milestones for him like I was for Evan but here are a few.

Started crawling: 11 months
Started walking: 14 months
Started talking: Around 13-14 months, Logan had a few words...maybe 7-10 total, and mostly things that I could understand but that strangers wouldn't be able to decipher.  Today I made a list of 60+ words (see below) that he has and uses on a daily basis.  Some are clear as day and others still only mommy and daddy can understand but he can certainly communicate quite easily.  He will be talking up a storm before we know it.
Clothes: Logan is outgrowing most of his 18 month clothing and getting into 24 months and 2T. We go to the pediatrician in 2 weeks and I will be interested to see how he is growing and if he is still neck and neck with Evan stats from the same age.
Likes: Some of Logan's favorite games are peek-a-boo (which never gets old); knock, knock jokes; ABCs; counting, especially gold doubloons; singing and dancing; and doing "Cheers" at meal time. Evan and Barky are still Logan's best pals even when Evan doesn't let him play quite the way he wants to.

Logan's words
Down up Barky Cheers balloon pop mama dada sock shoes trash bag basket back snack fruit snack milk candy Danny papa pee poop bath hook box monkey no toot uh huh beep honk bonk moo baa oink two nine sing done woof meow I ready please thank you cheek kiss George truck twist snow cold hot duck outside knock joke boo hat coat mitten see boot Jake hot dog mickey teeth owknow (I don't know)

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Music Class

You may remember that we started taking Evan to music class at Gymboree shortly after Logan was born.  We went for about 7 months when the classes were ending for summer vacation. Well last week, I started taking Logan again on Thursday's while Evan is at school.  It works out perfectly that I can drop Evan off, go to music class with Logan and still be back in time to pick Evan up at school, while maybe squeezing in a quick errand or two.  Logan has always been pretty musical and rhythmic.  He was a little shy at first but then was quickly comfortable and participating without missing a beat (pun intended).  I think Ms. Suzanne was glad to have him back in class. It will be a great experience for him and will be fun to bring Evan when he is on vacation from school.

Waiting for the music to begin (It was apparently red day at Gymboree)

Sweet little face

Here is Logan in action on Love Shack.

And here is a video of Evan and Logan keeping the beat on a diaper box.  I think Ms. Suzanne would be proud.

Almost Truck Day

Every year, my cousin Mark puts a post on Facebook about Truck Day, the day in which all of the Red Sox gear leaves Boston on a truck bound for Fort Myers.  It means that spring is coming and that baseball season is getting closer.  This year, just in time for truck day, which is Saturday, the boys got some new Red Sox hats.  Pitchers and catchers report February 15th!

Trying out his new red Red Sox hat

Maybe I'll give this hat thing a try...I do look pretty cute!

I'm ready for spring training, Mom!

Snow Pants!

It was a warmish day today so the boys played outside for a little while after I picked Evan up from school.  I was clearing some snow at the end of the driveway and not paying much attention when this happened...

Ooops!  No snow pants!  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Knock, Knock

Who's there?


Boo who?

Don't cry it's just a joke!

I'm sure you are all familiar with this one. Sometime earlier this winter, Evan began telling knock, knock jokes.  He gets a kick out of them and even makes up some silly ones of his own.

Here is Logan's take on it.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


We've had a good amount of snow this year but it has been a bit difficult to get out and play in it very much.  It has either been bitter cold or there has been too much snow for Logan to be able to walk and therefore enjoy playing in the snow.  Today we was a day between storms.  About 3-4 inches fell yesterday and tomorrow there is another 10 or so coming.  We took advantage of the warm (almost above freezing) weather to get out and enjoy for a while today.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Party, Party, Party!

This weekend was one full of parties.  First an 85th birthday party for Bumpa at Twin Oaks on Saturday night.  It was a long night for everyone but the kids were so well behaved and it was nice to see all of the Dowdings.  Sunday after spending the morning at Danny and Sean's, we went to Annalia's 3rd birthday party.  The kids had fun making paper plate crowns, opening the piƱata, and playing in the transformed yoga studio.  What a great idea for a children's party in the winter! After Lia's party, we headed home to get ready for our Super Bowl party.  It was a small gathering, just 10 people including us, but it was fun to watch the game with some friends.  I think it is safe to say, we are just about partied out!