Thursday, October 31, 2013


At the beginning of September, Evan had decided that he wanted to be a firefighter for Halloween again this year.  It was mostly because of the fireman rain boots that Omi sent but it was fine with me because we already had everything we needed.  We had even thought about asking Auntie Karin if she still had the dalmatian costume that Sean wore when Danny was a fireman in 2010.  However, a couple of weeks ago, Evan decided that he wanted to be Batman.  This was pretty easy too because Santa had brought him a cape and mask last year for Christmas.  We needed a shirt, pants, and Batman belt and we were all set.  I found a shirt and pants at Target (that he will be able to wear for a, win! And wants to wear everyday!) and purchased what we needed to make a Batman belt.  Once Evan decided to be Batman, we decided that Logan would be a monkey...quite fitting seeing as he is a monkey everyday!!
Today, Evan wore his costume to school and had a Halloween party and parade at school.  Logan and I went to see the parade.  Too cute!!  40+ 3 year olds, dressed in costume, wandering walking through the parking lot at Here We Grow, stopping to wave to mom or dad and trick or treat...too funny!  The boys and I had lunch at 99, came home to examine Evan's goodies from school and rest up before going trick-or-treating tonight.  It was a warm night and thankfully the rain from earlier had stopped.  We went to 10 houses, got more candy than a 3 year old and a 1 year old need, and called it a night.  I was a little disappointed that we couldn't continue our tradition of going to the Millbury library, trick-or-treating at town hall and then to see Daddy at work but today was a really fun day too!  I guess maybe some traditions don't last too long but new ones are just as nice.

Batman flies through the air

I didn't get a great video of it but Logan's monkey tail was so cute...wagging from side to side.  I don't remember it doing that when Evan was a monkey but then again he had been walking for longer than Logan has when he wore it so maybe it didn't wag so much

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

World Series Champions!!

The Boston Red Sox are World Series Champions!!!!!  

And Evan is SO excited!!

He did open his eyes to peek at the celebration for about 3 seconds

Ok, buddy, back to bed!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Beautiful Fall Weather

We have had some spectacular fall weather this year.  Mild temperatures, lots of sun, little rain.  So much so that when we were on vacation, I checked a few times to see if my weather icon was showing temperatures for Millbury or the Florida Keys.  Today was another beautiful day!  We played outside for a while after running to the grocery store, mostly riding bikes and just enjoying the day!  Cooler, rainy weather is on its way later this week...I wish we could just hang on to this weather until spring...guess we'll just have to enjoy it while we can!

Evan has been getting better and better at balancing for a long time on his bike.  Here's proof...well until the end...

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Just a little over 2 weeks ago while we were visiting Papa and Gramma, Logan took his first steps!  He was about one month slower than his brother to crawl and also about one month slower to walk than Evan.  This seems funny to me though because Logan's gross motor skills seem more advanced than Evan's were as far as getting on and off ride on toys and also climbing the stairs.  He was walking some when Bruce and I were in the keys but still mainly crawling.  Well now, just 2 weeks later, he is mainly walking...walking approaching running!!  He can get up easily when he falls, even if he is in the middle of the room.  He can turn around quickly, step over things, walk while carrying Barky and other toys and even walk while drinking his milk!  While it is amazing to watch I can't help but think...what happened to my baby??  He is growing up so fast!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Adam's Farm

When I saw that Groupon was offering another deal for the family fun day at Adam's farm, I decided to buy it.  We had such a good time with Emily, Jason and Annalia last year that we asked them if they wanted to join us again this year.  We met for lunch at Uno's in Smithfield and then headed to the farm to enjoy the beautiful day!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Evan's First Dentist Appointment

Today I took Evan to the dentist for the first time.  I had made the appointment a few weeks ago after the tooth fairy visited school and delivered brushes, paste and floss for all the kids.  He was quite excited about it.  I made the appointment for a day that Bruce would be working from home so that I could just take Evan and not have to juggle Logan too.  Well, as luck would have it, Bruce needed to go into the office today so off we went, in the middle of Logan's prime nap time, to the dentist.   I wasn't sure how it would go but I was hoping for the best.
And the best is exactly what I got!  The boys were so good!  Evan climbed right up into the hygienist's chair and wasn't scared at all, a bit curious but not scared.  He did everything she asked him to do, opened his mouth super wide, rinsed and spit like a pro, and was just perfect for Dr. Dave too!  Logan sat on the tooth chair for a bit and then wanted me to hold him.  He just looked around, checked everything out and took it all in.  It was certainly a proud Momma moment for me!  Great to know that our hard work is paying off!!  Plus, Evan is part of the "No Cavity Club"!  Who says the dentist has to be something to be afraid of?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Apple Picking at Tougas

Today was Evan's first field trip for school.  The three-year olds from Here We Grow preschool went apple picking at Tougas Family farm.  I would have loved to have chaperoned but there were no siblings allowed.  So I dropped Evan off with his teachers, feeling a little guilty that I couldn't join them once I saw how many other moms were there.  While Evan was off having a great time with his classmates, Logan and I had some fun of our own - snacking on apple cider donuts, picking apples, and playing at the picnic tables.  

I'm not sure what Logan was doing here but he was having so much fun playing in the mulch...all boy!