Friday, July 30, 2010

Evan’s Chat with Papa

I couldn’t really hear what Papa was saying but the expressions that Evan was making certainly tell a story all their own. The details of their little chat will remain a mystery to everyone except Papa and his little giraffe (that’s Evan, according to Danny). At first glance, the pictures may look the same but if you look at Papa's and Evan's expressions, they certainly tell a story. I will let you fill in your own captions here!

The Mean Wood Chipper

Seeing as we won’t be heading to “the beach house” this weekend, Evan and I went down to RI today for a visit. It was supposed to be a beautifully sunny day and while it was nice, it wasn’t too sunny. Oh well, we had a good day anyway. Shortly after we arrived, I took off for a run and Evan spent some quality time with Papa and Gramma. I think he is really beginning to recognize their faces…either that or he just smiles at everyone. When I returned one of the neighbors who has cut down quite a few trees began running the wood chipper. Evan was not a fan of this as is the case with most loud noises (i.e. the garbage disposal, the shop vac, etc). He was scared and very upset for quite a while, not to mention tired. We spent much of the afternoon trying, rather unsuccessfully, to get him to take a nap. I guess he was just too interested in what was going on. All things considered Evan wasn’t overly fussy which was nice. He spent some time in Papa’s big chair, in the exersaucer (for the first time) and had a nice long chat with Papa. Papa makes funny faces!
A little boy in a big chair
Look at me, Papa!
This chair is really comfy!
Sitting in Papa's seat is serious business
I could get used to this!
My feet almost touch the bottom
Mom, you spin these to make the music
This is pretty fun
Both of my feet lift up when I get excited
I really like my new toy, Momma!
So much to do and look at!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I’m gonna get you, Pooh Bear!

I find it difficult to get Evan to do much tummy time. It seems as though he has almost always either just had something to eat and therefore has a fully belly or he is getting ready for a nap and is tired. Neither situation lends itself nicely to Evan spending much time on his belly. Today we were able to squeeze some in. I propped him up on the boppy and put Pooh Bear just out of reach. I think the photos speak for themselves here. Enjoy!
Just so you know... I'm gonna get you, Mr. Pooh Bear
This is just the beginning
Such concentration
Getting my mouth ready for when I succeed!
This is your last chance to run
Up and over the boppy
Whew, that was hard work but well worth it!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Bienvenidos, Amandita!

Today Evan and I drove up to Manch-Vegas (aka Manchester NH) to visit my friend Amanda who is home from Cancun for a few weeks. We spent the afternoon by the pool with Erica, Adley, Nathaniel, Amanda and Eileen. It was a fun way to spend a hot day! Once Erica and the boys left, Amanda and I had a chance to catch up for a while, just the two of us…something that doesn’t happen very often! Thanks for having us up!

El placer es mio, Amandita! 

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Everything in the Mouth!

Lately, Evan has become really good at getting things into his mouth. It doesn’t seem to matter what the object is, how big or how small, he wants everything in his mouth. It is funny to watch because sometimes he thinks he has something in his hand and is the surprised when he gets his hand to his mouth and it isn’t there. I am sure that he will master this in a few days!

Are you ready to see my new trick?
Come here, Monkey!
Gotcha Mr. Monkey!
Got my Red Sox blanket
Now my burp cloth
This book is a little too big to fit...
...but I try anyway!!
My fingers taste the best!
Are you impressed?