Monday, February 28, 2011

On the Move!

For quite a few weeks now we have been waiting and waiting for Evan to start crawling. He had all the right pieces, he just wasn't putting them together. That is until this morning! Maybe he just wasn't motivated enough. Well today he was! First to get to the lamp cord, then to get to some paper on the ground near the desk, then to get the power cords under the desk and finally (when I caught it on video) to get the snowman. Look out world...we are in trouble now!! Baby gates go up tonight!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Miscellaneous February Happenings

As I think back about February, I think it has been a relatively low key month. But as I look back at pictures, they indicate otherwise. It started with Evan pulling himself up to standing for the first time on his exersaucer and being so proud that he was able to do so. Then we had a play date with the Cenotti's which was fun as always. Evan learned how to open his George in the Box without turning the crank. There was a lot of time spent trying to crawl and a couple of warm spring-like days. There were raspberries in the high chair, funny faces on the horsey, time spent reading Mommy's birthday cards and fun in the rocking chair. And then just yesterday we had a lesson in baby-proofing from Isabelle. And these are just the things we did that didn't have their own blog wonder we need a vacation! Luckily that is coming next week! Can't wait!!

Clean Up

Every night after Evan goes to bed, I spend a few minutes cleaning up his toys. I like them to be neat and orderly so that they do not take over the entire house.

Although I am not sure why I bother because it only takes a few minutes the following day before they look like this.

Oh well, at least order is restored temporarily.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sippy Cup

In order to make the transition from a bottle to a sippy cup easier, we have been trying to give Evan a sippy cup of water or juice at the end of each meal. We often forget but when we do remember, Evan often wears more than he drinks. "They" say it is ok to let babies play and explore and that this is how they learn. Evan thinks it is more fun to shake and bang! I know he will figure it out one of these days but for now it is pretty funny to watch!


What? I'm not supposed to wear my water?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy First Birthday, Sean!

Today was Sean's first birthday! Hard to believe how quickly the year has past and that just one year ago when I held him for the first time I was pregnant! We have had so much fun over the last year watching Sean and Evan grow into the sweet little boys that they are. We had a great time celebrating at the party and even had an unexpected sleepover!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nine Month Stats

Yesterday we went to the pediatrician for Evan's nine month well visit. We were quite anxious to see how big he is. Here is what we found out: Height - 29.5 inches (81st percentile), Weight - 22 pounds, 14 ounces (79th percentile) and Head circumference - 47.5 centimeters (94th percentile). The doctor continues to be thrilled with Evan's progress and strongly urged us to baby proof if we haven't yet. Evan had his finger pricked for a lead test as well as his 3rd round of immunizations. He was none too thrilled about either but he was quickly back to his happy self shortly after.

Can you guess how big I am?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Brush, Brush, Brush

Now that Evan has four teeth (which is apparently enough to get broccoli stuck in them), we decided we would try to brush them. Easy, right? I mean, he puts everything in his mouth normally, so why not a toothbrush, right? Right! Easier said than done. I think it was more the toothpaste that Evan didn't like rather than the toothbrush but this proved to be a bit more challenging than we thought. Oh well, we were at least able to get the broccoli out of his teeth and we will keep trying.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mommy's Birthday

Today was the best birthday I can remember in a long time! And the best part about it was just spending time with my two best boys! We had a relatively low key morning, complete with french toast for breakfast. My boys surprised me with a emerald and diamond pendant for my birthday. (You can see it pretty well in the last picture.) Then we went to Northworks for lunch/dinner. They were having some Valentine's Day specials including lobster ravioli with scallops, tomatoes and spinach in a pink vodka sauce...It was as if they knew I was coming! Delicious! And because it was my birthday one of our entrees was free. After Northworks, we came home to have cake, ice cream and champagne. What a great day!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Soup Swap

Tonight we attended the fifth annual soup swap at Mark and Christi's. This was our second year attending and Evan's first. It was a fun time and great to see (about half of ) the Kavanagh cousins as always. This year we made Oma's homemade noodles and chicken soup. It was a little last minute but it turned out great! The best part is that now we not only have the six quarts that we swapped for but we also have about 5-6 quarts of our own soup left. That means 12 meals that are already cooked!!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Aptimist in Training

Evan and I FINALLY did something we have been meaning to do for a LONG time...we went to see Daddy at work. Bruce moved into a new office a while before Evan was born and I had never been to visit. So we took advantage of a sunny, albeit cold day and went to visit for lunch. We spent a little time reintroducing Evan to some of Daddy's coworkers. (He had met them at the summer outing but he doesn't remember.) Unfortunately many people were not in the office today. We had a nice lunch at the Sea Dog and Mommy and Evan loved the music. We will have to go back for another visit soon!

Daddy's nice office with big windows and THREE monitors!
This is a fun place, Dad! No wonder you come here everyday!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Nine Months!

Nine months ago today, I looked like this!

Today, I look like this!

As you can see, a lot has change in a relatively short amount of time. Bruce and I continue to be amazed by Evan every day and hope that our amazement never ends! He is one special boy who is loved by so many people, especially his mom and dad! Enjoy the photos from our monthly photo shoot!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Super Bowl aka Evan and His Girlfriends

To celebrate the Super Bowl, we went to Tim and Chris's annual Super Bowl party. This year it was a little different than past years as there were almost an equal number of guys and girls there. This is very unusual for most WPI parties. Evan enjoyed the party and especially being passed from one girlfriend to the next. I think he had 7 girlfriends there...Evan was in heaven! I didn't get pictures of everyone holding him but it was quite cute how everyone wanted a turn. And really, why wouldn't you?? I know I never get sick of it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can't Find Evan

A little game we like to play.

Can't find Evan

Peek-a-Boo! Here I am!

Turn, Turn, Turn

Last night, we put Evan to bed like this...

And found him at 6 am like this...

This was the first time he had completely turned himself around while sleeping. Silly little boy!

(Photos have been reenacted)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Spoon!

Tonight as I was finishing up feeding Evan, I needed to check on our dinner in the oven. While I did, I left Evan's spoon on his high-chair tray. It took him a few seconds to decide if he should touch it or not but when he decided it was OK, he was so excited about it. He was proud that he knew what to do with it and played with it for quite a long time.

My Friend in the Mirror (part two)

You may remember this post from November 19th. The other day Evan was playing on the floor over by my closet again and he was talking up a storm. I looked over and here is what I saw...Evan's little friend was back! Watch until the's so cute! He loves his little friend!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Tongue

Evan has become quite enthralled with his tongue lately. He loves to blow raspberries (especially while eating yogurt), stick it out, click name it and if it involves moving your tongue, Evan is doing it!

Mommy with her silly goofball (notice the tongue)

My tongue is fun!