Friday, January 28, 2011

Puppies and Horsies

Today we went to visit Emily for lunch. Before going to lunch, we met at her house so that Evan could "test-drive" some of the toys she and Jason have for their little girl who will be joining this world any day now. It was also a good chance for Wally (who was camera shy) and Gus (Em and Jay's dogs) to "test-drive" what it is like to have a baby in the house. This was Evan's first exposure to dogs and he loved them. Wally and Gus were so well behaved and gentle. Evan also loved the toys, especially the rocking horse! Thanks Em and Jay for letting us borrow it until your little girl is big enough! Can't wait to meet her!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It Had to Happen Sometime...

I am afraid that today was the first of many days to come where Evan bumps his head, face, knee, etc. He was kneeling on the floor today trying to reach for a magazine on the table when he hit his cheek on the table. I knew right away it would leave a bruise. Poor little guy! He seemed fine after the initial scare but I felt terrible. Luckily, his cheek started looking better as the day went on.
I bumped my cheek

I'm ok but Mommy's not

PJ Days

You may have noticed that Evan is in his PJ's in many of the pictures posted lately. Some days it is just too cold to go out and so we stay in PJ's all day! They are warm and cozy and what is better than that on a cold winter day.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Any Day Now

Any day now we are going to have a baby on the move. Evan has been getting closer and closer to crawling for quite a while now but I just know it won't be long now. He reaches and rocks to get on to his hands and knees. He's so close...and then we are in trouble!!

Check out the videos to see him in action.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Cousins Night

Many people only spend time with their family if it is absolutely necessary. Not us! We are lucky enough to actually enjoy being with our family, especially our cousins. Tonight we spent the night with Uncle Dan and the boys (Auntie was out) and Amy, Keaney and Kingston. What a fun time! Can't wait to watch these five kids grow up together!

Connor Turns One

On January 11th, Connor Cenotti turned one. Today we helped him celebrate! It was a fun time with lots of little kids running around. Evan had a great time playing with the balloons and it was great to see some friends that we hadn't seen in a while.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dinner Time Fun

Evan generally has his dinner before we do but then he has a little more at the table while we eat dinner. He is very eager to try all that we are eating including baked haddock with a white wine caper sauce. Pretty exotic taste for a baby! Evan generally provides some sort of entertainment (singing, talking or just being so damn cute!) for us while we eat. Tonight, after taking his food tray away, he had a great time with his toes!

Are you watching, Dad?

Got 'em both!
Check out the video to see the silly boy in action.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Evan loves his bananas and has gone from having small pieces in a baby-safe feeder to bite sized pieces that we/he feed him to taking bites off of a big banana to this...

Can I fit this entire thing in my mouth?
Um, guess not!
If you want to see him in action, check out the video. (Warning: Some of the banana comes back up.)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Go, Go, Go Patriots!!

The Pats were in the playoffs and what better excuse than that to get together with some friends, many of whom we hadn't seen in quite a while. While the game didn't turn out quite the way we wanted it to, we still had a great time. Luckily, between hosting the party and taking care of Evan, I didn't really even see much of the game that the Pats didn't show up for! Opening day for baseball will be here before we know it!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Taking a Break

Lots of tummy time is tough...

I think I need a break...

So I'll rest here on this nice So silly!

Yogurt Mustache

Just having some lunch

Daddy thinks my mustache is funny

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Favorite Pastimes

Evan's favorite pastimes these days are: standing, bouncing and eating. While he can't quite stand unsupported, he does a great job leaning and if he is lightly supported. If he is leaning against the couch, his play table, or us, Evan can stand quite well for a decent amount of time.
When he is not standing, he quite often bounces up and down in excitement or to scooch to something that is out of reach. Evan has been spending more and more time on his belly (mainly as a result of falling from his knees when reaching too far) and does a great job at getting his little butt in the air with his knees tucked underneath him. His upper body needs to get a little stronger before he will be able to support himself but he will get there.
Evan has always been a great eater and that continues to be true. He loves everything we give him! While he still allows us to spoon feed him, I think he enjoys being independent and feeding himself a bit more. Evan loves all fruit, especially strawberries, blueberries, kiwi and peaches. He seems to choke on apples so we will be sticking to applesauce and pear sauce for a while. Evan also loves cheese, turkey, bread, pasta and anything else that mommy and daddy are eating. He always looks at us with the sweetest little face, moving his mouth, as if to say "Where is mine?" Let's hope that his love of all types of food continues!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Evan's First Haircut

When Evan was born with a full head of hair, I was shocked! I was bald when I was born and remained that way until I was about two. And both Bruce and I were blond as kids so I just assumed that Evan would be bald and then blond. Since he was born, Evan's hair has changed quite a bit. It was very dark at birth and has lighten up quite a bit. While it has started to fill in more, he does have a bald spot in the back from sleeping on his back. Lately the sides have grown so long that I needed to tuck them behind his ears so that he didn't have wings. This is totally unacceptable...especially for a little boy! So today we gave Evan a little haircut. We didn't bother taking him somewhere to have it done because there were only a few spots that needed it. Needless to say, it was quite difficult! More difficult than hitting a moving target. Most people probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference but I can and I think it looks much better.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Silly Little Boy

Evan has to be just about the happiest little boy out there! He is rarely fussy and when he is there is usually a reason for it. We took him for his second flu shot today and he handled it like such a big boy. Two screams and one tear later and he was fine. He wasn't even fussy later in the day. This made me happy because I hate to see him hurting. Here are a few photos of our low-key afternoon at home. We have so much fun together...even when doing nothing!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy New Year! (Eight Months Old)

Happy new year, everyone! I guess Mommy and Daddy are recovering from the holidays because we didn't take any pictures or video for a whole week!! That is certainly the longest we have gone since Evan was born. While we may not have any pictures from the last week, we certainly have been enjoying our time making memories. Evan is eight months old today! Time is really flying by but we are loving every minute!

We had a great New Year's Eve celebration at Uncle Dan and Aunt Karin's house. I think Evan wanted to ring in the New Year with us but finally went to bed around 10:30! We had a great time with great friends and (foolishly) stayed up until 4 am! Thankfully Evan slept in until nine on New Year's Day. Uncle Dan, Daddy and Chris made a wonderful breakfast and we enjoyed a lazy day before heading home.

On Sunday, we went to Nicole's house for the last regular season Patriots game of the season. We weren't really into the game because the Pats had already made the was more of an excuse to get together. While we were there, Evan said "ma ma" for the first time. Now it wasn't directed at me or anything but I still loved hearing it! All week he has been talking up a storm with lots of mama's and dada's! It is wonderful! Evan is also extremely enthusiastic about the ceiling fans in our house. He always wants us to spin them and when we do he says "ffuh ffuh". He still isn't really interested in crawling but is trying more and more to pull up on things and gets on to his knees pretty well. I am beginning to think he may skip crawling but I guess only time will tell.