Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pretty Flowers

When Bruce and Evan came home from the store today, Evan handed me these flowers and said "Pretty flowers for a pretty mommy!"  Such sweet and thoughtful boys I have!  

Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Sickness

After waking up from his nap today, Evan just wasn't quite himself.  At first we thought it was just due to not eating much over the last day or so in combination with the heat and humidity that came back to the area today.  He seemed very lethargic so we took his temperature just to be sure.  Sure enough, our little guy had a 102 degree temperature.  No wonder he wasn't quite himself!  Poor little guy!  Hope he feels better soon!

Resting on the couch with George, watching Lady & the Tramp

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pool Time...Finally!

With the mild winter and the warm early spring weather that we had, it is hard to believe that this week was the first time that we spent anytime by Papa & Gramma's pool.  Evan and I spent the day poolside on Thursday while Bruce was in DC.  It was a perfect day and Evan, while a little cautious, enjoyed the water.
Today was a typical summer Sunday - everyone at Gramma & Papa's for a fun afternoon by the pool with lots to eat.  Evan was already more adventurous in the water today than he was on Thursday.  He was even going down the slide, from the top, all by himself!  I, thankfully, was in the house during this because it would have made me too nervous.  We are hoping that this nice weather is here to stay so we can have many more fun summer days at the pool!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Pops at Wilcox Park

What a beautiful night for an outdoor pops concert and an amazing fireworks display!  We joined the Kavanagh's in Westerly tonight for Evan's first real fireworks.  While we were driving there, we drove through several bouts of torrential rain but once we arrived, it was a beautiful night!  Certainly a wonderful family event that we will hopefully attend again in the future!

Who needs toys...

...when you have an empty diaper box?

Being oh so silly and having so much fun!

Making Cookies with Mom

Tonight we are heading to Westerly to go to a summer pops concert and watch some fireworks with Auntie Karin, Uncle Dan, Danny & Sean.  We are going to bring a picnic dinner to enjoy during the concert before the fireworks begin.  As part of that picnic, we are bringing sugar cookies.  I have had some leftover frosting in the fridge that needs to be used up and what better way to use it than on some sugar cookies!  Evan helped me mix up the cookies (he even used the electric mixer by himself) and also decorate them.  It took a bit longer and we made a bit of a bigger mess but we had lots of fun doing it together!

(The next day, Evan helped Gramma make a jello cake.  He also helped me make cupcakes for the fourth of July.  He will be quite an experienced baker by the time we are ready to make dozens and dozens of Christmas cookies!)

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Excuse me, I have to take this call

Daddy is traveling in DC for work today and he called to check in and see how our day was going as I was getting Evan ready for bed.  Evan was quite excited to talk to Daddy on the phone!  He's a natural! I think we may be in trouble when he is a teenager!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

To celebrate Father's Day, we started the day with waffles and bacon at home.  Evan helped Daddy open a couple of gifts and then we drove to down to RI to meet up with Papa & Gramma, Bumpa, Grammy, Uncle Dan, Auntie Karin, Danny & Sean for lunch at Mozzarella's.  We had a nice lunch and then went back to Gramma & Papa's to hangout for a while, playing inside and outside on a nice day.  Happy Father's Day to all dads, especially to Bruce who is a wonderful father and absolutely adored by his son!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Aptima Summer Outing

It was 75 and sunny with a beautiful blue sky when we were preparing to leave our house today and head to the Aptima summer outing in Georgetown, MA.  We drove about halfway there and the clouds began to increase as the temperature dropped.  When we arrived, it was completely cloudy, with no promise of seeing the sun for a while, and in the low 60's.  Thankfully I remembered that it is generally pretty breezy where the event is held and I packed sweatshirts and windbreakers.  We were really bummed because the facility has a nice pool and spray park for the kids that Evan would have absolutely loved but it was much too chilly for that today.  Instead, after having lunch, we made use of the other fun (Bruce and I actually played a game of PIG - I couldn't tell you the last time I shot a basketball), volleyball, the bounce house, and the playground.  Evan loved the big curvy slide!  He wasn't interested in getting a temporary tatoo...until we were already on our way home...and we did play in the water for a few minutes before heading home for the day.  Even though I think the weather kept some Aptimists away, we had a nice day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Danny's Pre-School Graduation

Today Evan and I attended Danny's pre-school graduation.  It is hard to believe that Danny is already 5 and will be heading to kindergarten in the fall!  I remember sitting in the lobby at the hospital waiting for him to be born like it was yesterday.  The graduation ceremony was cute and Danny is quite proud of himself, as he should be.  He is quite a smart, sensitive, caring, fun little guy!  Congrats, pal!  Can't wait to see what your future holds!

(It was a little dark for my little point & shoot camera...sorry for the sub-par photos.)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Back in April, I purchased a Living Social deal for Zoinks Fun Factory in North Oxford.  It was a BOGO admission for two kids and two adults.  Earlier in the week, when I saw it was going to be another rainy Wednesday, I asked Auntie Karin if she and the boys would like to join us for some fun.  (Poor Auntie!  Wednesday is her day off and it seems as if the weather is often yucky on Wednesdays.) They didn't have any plans and so we met at Zoinks for some play time.
The boys, especially Danny & Sean, had a great time jumping in the bounce houses, sliding down the big inflatable slide and playing on the giant floor pillow.  Evan was perfectly happy to sit back and watch all the other kids while bouncing on a little green bouncy ball.  He did get out on the giant floor pillow (when there were no other kids on it) to jump around for a little bit.  Maybe our second little guy will be a bit more adventurous, like Sean, after watching his big brother!  After we were Zoinked out, we enjoyed lunch at Friendly's.  All in all, not a bad way to spend an otherwise yucky day!

I love the delayed reaction to the light squares in this one.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Night in the Big Boy Bed

Thursday night we were working on getting the last few things in Evan's room ready so that we could transition him into his big boy room over the weekend.  When he saw us getting things ready, he decided he wanted to sleep in his new room that night.  So we finished making the bed, putting the rails on and setting up a few other things so that he could try out his new bed.  We went through his regular routine and read stories in his new bed.  Once we tried to turn the light out and leave him for the night, he decided that he wasn't quite ready to leave the comfort of his crib.  As a result, both Thursday and Friday nights he slept in the crib.
I can't really say that I blame him though.  Evan is moving to a new room with a new bed and he is making the transition from the crib where he has slept for the last 2+ years and doing so while leaving his binkie behind.  We have been telling him for a couple of months now that when he moves to his new room, he can take his "friends" (George, Wally pillow pet, Pooh Bear, etc) but that his binkie doesn't go with him.  Even though he only uses it at naptime and bedtime, we decided this was a good time to drop the habit altogether.
We tried to get Evan to nap in his new room both Friday and Saturday...without any luck...but then Saturday night he surprised us and slept in his new bed.  He did a great job too!  Not the normal 12 hours that we are accustomed too but a little over 10 for the first night isn't a bad start.  While it was a little bittersweet seeing an empty nursery and crib last night, and knowing that our little guy is growing up too fast, we are awfully proud of him for making the transition so well!  This calls for a celebration...chocolate chip pancakes!

(I am writing this post just over three weeks after Evan's first night in his big boy bed and he is still doing great!  He has only asked for his binkie a couple of times, mostly when he is napping or sleeping somewhere other than home.  He does a great job at night and is still generally averaging 10ish hours per night; although there have been a few early mornings!  Naptime was quite a challenge at first but even that is getting better.  Putting him down for a nap takes longer as we need to stay with him until he is nice and relaxed which involves reading and singing multiple books and songs.  Evan often wakes up from a nap before he is ready and isn't quite sure how to fall back to sleep but he is learning.  Considering we are only three weeks into sleeping in a big boy bed without a binkie, I'd say we are doing quite well!  Even if I'm still not ok with how quickly Evan is growing up!)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Things I've Learned

We have returned to a family of three after 5+ days as a family of five thanks to a little extra help from some very loving, helpful and caring grandparents.  Over the course of the 5+ days, I learned (and confirmed) a lot of things.

I have learned that...
...taking care of 2 two-year olds and a five-year old is more work than I thought it would be (especially being 7+ months pregnant)
...having family members who are willing to help is invaluable
...being the oldest child is not always easy or fair need your mom and dad whether you are 2 or 33
...having one-on-one time is priceless
...having a child who sleeps until 8 am (and often later) is rare (and wonderful!)
...getting out of the house at a decent time requires me to be up and showered before the kids wake up
...every child has a unique personality with special quirks and gifts
...nap time is important for everyone, especially mom
...brothers share a special bond from a very early age
...having fun doesn't always require spending money and going somewhere
...some days you just need to cry
...having three kids totally changes your defense plan, kick out man-to-man and bring in the zone
...doing craft-type projects with a five-year old is a lot more fun than I thought it would be, especially once I got over the "everything needs to be perfect" feeling
...using your imagination takes you to amazing places
...reading bedtime stories to three sweet little boys is wonderful
...watching my husband read to those same three boys is even sweeter
...having more than one of the same toy often prevents arguments but not always
...sometimes you just need to sit and snuggle with someone you love and who loves you
...boys, even little ones, eat and drink a lot
...changing diapers for two kids isn't as bad as I thought it would be nice as it is to return to our family of three, I already miss those little guys
...I love my little nephews as if they were my own sons!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Week with Danny & Sean

Uncle Dan and Auntie Karin were married in June of 2002 and we were married in September of 2003.  As such we will be celebrating our 10-year anniversaries this year and next year, respectively.  Last summer I suggested that they should plan an anniversary vacation for sometime during 2012 and we would stay with the boys; then we would plan an anniversary vacation for 2013 if they would stay with the boys.  Friday, Uncle Dan and Auntie Karin left for a cruise to Bermuda and we began our week with three little boys!
We planned to spend the weekend at our house and then head to RI for Tuesday - Friday.
Papa and Gramma brought the boys up to us on Friday night and we all enjoyed a pizza dinner.  Getting three boys ready for bed was a bit of a procedure but they were all well behaved and enjoyed a couple of stories read by Uncle Bruce/Daddy.
Saturday it poured all day!  I had originally thought we would take the boys out for the day but the weather was so bad we decided to just stay home instead.  We spent the day playing with every toy we have, plus all of the ones that Danny and Sean brought with them.  While Sean napped, Danny and Evan worked on "projects", a variety of handmade crafty type things that Danny loved making.  When Sean woke up, all the boys made a fort in the newly finished basement.  It was nice to have a few minutes to myself to sit and relax while the boys enjoyed their fort adventures.  After a while, Sean had had enough fort play and he came upstairs with me to play Legos.  It was fun to have some one-on-one time with Sean, something that does not happen very often.  After dinner, we watched a bit of Peter Pan before getting the boys to bed.  An exhausting but fun day!
Thankfully the sun came out on Sunday so that we could take the boys to the annual Kavanagh family picnic.  Monday, another rainy day, we had a low key morning and early afternoon before heading to RI so that Danny could go to karate with Papa.  Papa took Danny to karate while I stayed with the little boys at Gramma and Papa's with Gramma and Grammy.  By Monday night, I think Danny and Sean were ready to get back to their own house and to sleep in their own beds.  Monday night I was on my own with the boys because Bruce had to stay in Millbury and go into the office on Tuesday.  Things went relatively smoothly and thankfully Gramma, Papa & Grammy were there to help out, both on Monday night and also on Tuesday.
Tuesday, while Danny and Sean were at school, Evan loved playing with all of their toys on his own.
Evan and I enjoyed lunch at the Newport Creamery, a RI institution, and then both napped in the afternoon. When Danny came home from school he said, "Boy, Aunt Di, Evan made a mess today!" And he sure did! It looked like all three boys plus a few more were there playing, not just Evan.
After 5+ days with the boys, I was totally exhausted! When I had suggested this anniversary vacation-kid swapping idea, I wasn't planning to be 7+ months pregnant but things happen for a particular reason and I am. As a result of expecting our second child in August, Bruce wasn't able to take as much time off this week either. Knowing how tired and stressed I was, despite the fact that the boys were all being great, the grandparents decided to step in and help out even more than they had originally planned. Gramma and Papa volunteered to have Danny and Sean stay with them on Wednesday night so that I didn't have to drive to Northbridge to tutor and then back to Warwick. Grammy also volunteered to stay with the boys on Thursday night so that Bruce, Evan and I could just go home on Wednesday and get back to being a family of three.
While we had a shortened week with Danny and Sean, we had lots of fun. It was great to be able to spend so much time with them and to get to know their personalities, especially Sean's, a bit better. I know Uncle Dan and Auntie Karin had a great vacation, even though they missed their boys. Now we need to start thinking about where we will be going on our anniversary vacation!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Clown Sundae

Today while Danny and Sean were at school, Papa, Gramma, Evan and I went to the Newport Creamery for lunch.  I wanted to do something special with Evan while we had a little bit of "alone" time.  We had a nice lunch and Evan enjoyed his first clown sundae.  

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kavanagh Family Picnic

After the torrential rains yesterday, the sun came out this morning and it was a beautiful day for the 43rd Annual Kavanagh Family Reunion.  It was the perfect outing for the kids to get out and run around after being cooped up all day yesterday.  There was a great turn out from the Dan and Mary-Lou clan and the Shutter Booth was a huge hit.  While we didn't win any of the penny social items, Danny had a great time participating in the races, some on his own and some with his best buddy, Uncle Bruce!  It was a tiring day but a wonderful day for everyone!

Friday, June 1, 2012

1, 2, 3...Blast Off!

Evan has a book called Not A Box that is all about using your imagination to turn a cardboard box into a race car, a burning building, a mountain top, a rocket ship and a variety of other things.  Lately, he has been using his imagination in a similar fashion and turning the couch into a rocket ship ready for blast off...only after he has his "helmet and bathing suit" on.

1,2,3...Blast Off!

Snuggling with George after a long space mission