Monday, April 30, 2012

Our Little Alien

Evan was playing in the drawer in my bedside table today and came across a pair of tanning bed eye protection.  He wanted to put them on so I obliged, which resulted in this photo of our little alien.

Don't worry...I promise I won't turn into the mom who took her 5-year old tanning!

Big Boy Furniture

From the time that we found out we were expecting another little one later this year, Evan has been pretty excited about being a big brother and getting a new big boy room.  He has helped with every stage of the process of turning the office and spare room into his big boy room.  From choosing new carpeting to shopping for furniture to prepping and painting the room, Evan has been excited and helpful along the way.  Today his new big boy furniture arrived!  He watched as the guys from Cardi's unloaded the truck and then once they left, he raced upstairs to check out his new furniture.  I can't wait to see the look on his face once the room is completely ready!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another Mr. & Mrs. Pullano

This weekend we celebrated the marriage of another wonderful couple, Scott & Jill.  We brought Evan to the Cathedral with us and he was, once again, better than expected during the ceremony.  We were a few minutes early (shocking, I know!) so we let Evan run around and dance in the plaza outside the cathedral.  A group of people were filming a music video and Evan was feeling the groove.  After the ceremony, we dropped Evan off at Uncle Dan and Auntie Karin's so that he could spend the night with Danny, Sean and Kelly, the babysitter.  He had a fun night, as did we.  Great food, fun dancing, wonderful people...and the best rendition of "Shout!" I have ever heard!  I think the highlight of the night could have been Uncle Pat dancing to Apple Bottom Jeans!  Congratulations to the newlyweds!!

(Once again not too many photos to show from this wedding...I think it's time that we start taking "the big camera" to weddings.)

Snuggling Mr. Moose

Last night before Evan went to bed, he put Mr. Moose on my bed.  Then when Bruce was getting him ready for bed and reading him a story, Evan looked at Bruce and said "Mommy snuggle with moose in her bed?"  Needless to say, there were three of us in our bed, Bruce and Mr. Moose!  We have the sweetest little boy!

Mr. Moose sitting on our bed, right where Evan placed him

He is pretty snugly!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Next John Bonham?

During football season, and even still now, Evan will tell you that he is the "next Tom Brady".  Based on these performances, I'm thinking maybe he is the next John Bonham!  Only time will tell!  (Who am I kidding?  Evan is going to be something much nerdier than a drummer!)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Fun Things at Papa's House

Last Monday, Evan kept asking me if we could go to Papa and Gramma's to see Danny and Sean and "do fun things at Papa's house".  Unfortunately, it wasn't in the cards for that day.  We had a few things that we needed to get done at home and we already had plans for a couple of trips to RI for the week.  Today, however, we did go to Papa and Gramma's to see Danny and Sean and "do fun things at Papa's house".  Both Danny and Sean were so excited that Evan was going to come and play for the day.  We didn't get a very early start and had a couple of errands to run on the way but once we arrived, the little boys had so much fun together!  I know I say it all the time but I love how close these boys are!

Three little monkeys watching a movie in bed

Danny and Evan do some coloring while Sean naps

Evan wanted to sit in Danny's lap which was really cute.  
Funny how they have the same goofy look in this photo. 

Danny and Evan help Papa search for "presents" in Gardens of Time

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blue Hat, Green Hat

Do you think Daddy will read me a story while I relax here on the couch?

Ooo, Blue Hat, Green of my favorites!

What a silly turkey!  (In the book...not Daddy!)

Is that a monkey on your back?

Both Bruce and Evan can answer "Yes!" to that question!


Evan has been doing a lot of accessorizing lately.  Most of his accessories are a bit unconventional but silly and fun!

A zipper bag for a hat, wrist braces as sleeves and a tripod as a microphone

Wearing Daddy's slippers and using Gramma's shoes as "paddles".
Bringing a wrist brace to Mommy for her "paddle".

This is how I found Evan after his nap, wearing his Pooh Bear wall hangings

Wearing the buckets as I'm not quite sure what...

...But having a great time!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Is it really only April??

Is it really only April 17th?  That's what the calendar reads but I think Mother Nature is a little confused.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining at all.  In fact, we love it!  Evan and I have spend the better part of the last two days outside in the pool and playing in the yard.  What a great early spring treat!  Let's hope this weather stays around for a while!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

More Free Flights?

We took Evan on seven round trip flights before his second birthday.  It was great to be able to travel so much with him without paying for a ticket for him.  Tonight as we were unpacking from our weekend in Rhode Island, Evan gave me a good idea for a way to get a few more free flights.  Just pack him IN the suitcase!  He looks pretty happy, don't you think?  Think it would work?

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy birthday, Grammy!

And as if the video wasn't cute enough, the story that goes along with it, in my opinion, is even cuter!

Thursday night just after we finished dinner, Evan and I had the following conversation.

Evan: Mommy get the camera.  Mommy take video.
Me: You want mommy to get the camera and take a video?
Evan: Yes.  Evan sing.  Evan sing happy birthday.  Happy birthday, Grammy.

I did as he asked and the above video was born.  Our little performer!  Happy birthday, Grammy!  Hope you have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Central Street Playground

Today we met the Wheeler's at Fresh City for lunch and then went to the Central Street playground in Southboro.  We had never been to a Fresh City before and we were pleasantly surprised.  They have quite a large selection of interesting salads and sandwiches.  After attempting (four times) to schedule some open jump time at Jump Around in Framingham, we decided some outdoor fun would be better anyway.  The kids had a great time playing in the sand and on the swings.  Dylan and Evan had tons of fun playing together.  Always nice to check out a different playground, especially with friends!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Papa & Gramma are home!

Gramma and Papa are home from Florida!  I'm not sure who is more excited...the little boys or the big kids?!?!  Either way, we are all glad that they had such a nice winter in Florida and that they made it home safely.  

Sitting in Papa's lap, watching Twinkle, glad to have Papa & Gramma home!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone!  Was the Easter Bunny good to you?  As was the case last year, the Easter bunny was very good to Evan.  He left Easter treats for Evan at various homes in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.  We all had a fun day hunting for eggs, visiting with family and playing with the little ones.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Early April Silliness

No major events to report...Just a lot of silliness!!

Just before I started taking this video, Evan was singing Happy Birthday to Danny while wearing his birthday crown. He stopped singing and started wondering who was missing (all the guys were outside by the fire) but I thought the look on his face was so cute, I had to share it.

Prepping and Painting the Big Boy Room

Evan has always loved to help and the older he gets the more he wants to do what Mommy and Daddy are doing.  The same was true this weekend as we prepped and painted his soon-to-be big boy room.  On Thursday he helped me put his toys in the closet, get the furniture away from the walls and dust the walls and woodwork.  Evan even helped me put painters tape on the woodwork...and the walls...and the closet doors...etc.  Then today he used his own screwdriver (safely) on the outlet covers and then helped Daddy as he started painting.  I was a little worried that he wouldn't want to leave the room when Bruce was painting but he was really good about it.  How many more years until he can help for real??